Pin It Is your goal in motherhood to be a good mom? If it is, you aren't alone. When Googling "How to Be a Good Mom" I found on top websites like Parenting, WebMD, and Wiki along with a plethora of mom blogs articles to answer this question. All contained tips, ideas, and suggestions to make your dream come true. But as I ...
Is Being a Good Mom Your Desire?
Image Source Pin It Look at the above picture. Wow! A mom spending time with her son, giggling while playing together. They are both laughing and clearly enjoying the quality time together. What a good mom! Ever take a picture of a family situation just because for a split second everything was perfect? ...
My Husband Was Correct
There are two topics that my husband has been trying to convince me. One I discussed in my ebook "A Quiet Time, Worth the Time." The second involves exercise. Before I go on, let me put things in perspective. There is not a person who has ever or will ever combine my name with words like athlete, marathon, or Olympic hopeful. To put it in ...
Have You Joined SISTERS?
About a year ago, I created a Facebook group with the mission of supporting women in their spiritual journeys. With the introduction of our new ebook and a nudging of the Holy Spirit, I have decided to shake things up with a new name, a new description, and a new purpose. Keep reading to see how you can be part of our group too! Mommyhood is ...
God Has Given Me More Than I Can Handle
Pin It A very popular quote that you will hear Christians say during a times of grief and challenge is "God won't give you more than you can handle." Honestly, I used to believe this. It made me feel safe knowing that I could handle anything God threw my way. I based this thought on promises from Romans 8:28 and I Corinthians ...
I Was Mad!
This is a repost from earlier this year but I needed the reminder so I wanted to share this again. I was mad. The fact that I was mad and not calm, made me even more mad. If I explained to you what Little Man has done over the past few days you wouldn't believe me. Then once you realized I was serious, you would probably sit down ...
Guest Post: Being Like Jesus When Your Day Falls Apart
Pin It Guest post from Tauna: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control; against such things there is no law." ~ Galatians 5:22-23 A few months ago I was having a particularly hard mommy day. OK, week. Maybe month. I emailed a good friend of mine asking for prayer. She's ...
I Don’t Have to Stress Because….
Pin It Friends, I have been under spiritual attack. Attack towards me as a wife, as a mother, and as the fingers behind ABCJLM. It has been mounting for a few weeks but it finally hit the top on Friday. Other than days in which I have been overcome with extreme grief, Friday was the worse non-grief day I have ever had. My attitude was ...
You Are Being Watched!!
Pin It God is showing my husband and I - in so many ways - the importance of how we act while our children are around. Because, we all know that values are caught and not as much taught. While reading during my quiet time, I found these verses in I Timothy 4: 11 Teach these things and insist that everyone learn them. 12 Don’t let ...
We Need Girlfriends!
Pin It I have blogged several times about the importance of having godly women in your life. God made us relational for a reason. To be able to grow and stay strong as a mom, we need the support and love a close friend can give. I found this poem several years ago and wanted to share. A friend is one who STRENGTHENS you with ...