James 1:19 - “Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” I have heard and pondered this verse many times. But Julie Ann Barnhill brought up an interesting point concerning this verse in her book She's Gonna Blow!. In it she says, “When you begin putting this verse into practice, you will stop listening just so ...
Practical Anger Management Skills
If you are the mom of a child preschool age or older, you probably have a tendency to “blow up” at random times. And if you are like me, you desire to add a few anger management techniques to your toolbox. Below I am going to share ideas that I have learned from Julie Ann Barnhill's book She's Gonna Blow! as well as techniques I use myself to ...
Finding the Balance
Source I am continually struck by the need for balance. Life is all about finding the balance in time, money, emotions, activities...and the list goes on. Taking the scales too far one way on any subject will create problems. Go to church too much vs. not go enough. Eat too many calories vs. not eat enough. Play with my ...
Help for Anger Management #6
A couple of weeks ago I featured a week-long series in which I shared little nuggets of wisdom that I gleaned from Julie Ann Barnhill's book She's Gonna Blow!: Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger. Today I want to share another practical tips to use in your own life. Wisdom Point #6 - So many times I mentally review my job ...
Helping Anger Management #5
This week I have shared several key points from Julie Ann Barnhill's book, She's Gonna Blow!. I pray that you gleaned some tips to add to your toolbox. But what if after reading all of the key points you are still coming up short? What if you have read all of the posts, researched online, talked to girlfriends, and begged God all to ...
Help for Anger Management #4
On Monday, I shared the first little nuggets of wisdom that I gleaned from Julie Ann Barnhill's book She's Gonna Blow!: Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger. Today is the fourth in this week-long series providing you with practical tips to use in your own life. Wisdom Point #4 - As people learn our story, I ...
Help in Anger Management #3
Yesterday I shared the second little nuggets of wisdom that I gleaned from Julie Ann Barnhill's book She's Gonna Blow!: Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger. Today is the third in this week-long series providing you with practical tips to use in your own life. Wisdom Point #3 – Learning to Really Listen My older two kiddos ...
Help for Anger Management #2
Yesterday I began sharing little nuggets of wisdom that I gleaned from Julie Ann Barnhill's book She's Gonna Blow!: Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger. Today is the second in this week-long series providing you with practical tips to use in your own life. Wisdom Point #2 – Laugh! A couple of years ago, I shared on this blog a ...
Help for Anger Managment #1
WANTED: Mommy-Anger-Management secrets needed ASAP for tired mommy of young children. Could you take out an ad similar to this? God knows that I could. Having four blessings has brought out anger issues that I didn't even know I had. I hate it. I hate how angry I get at the little people around me whom I ...
I am Mad at God and Bitterness May Take Over: Part 2
Pin It Yesterday I explained how anger and bitterness were trying to take root in my heart. But I explained that I wanted to be free of these feelings so that God could use me. To begin tearing down the emotion of bitterness, I turned to the dictionary and Google. Then I tweaked my findings to fit my situation. What is bitterness? - ...