For the first week of January, we have been focusing on You! Using Shari Braendel's book Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad: A Style Guide for Every Woman, we are learning the importance of taking care of ourselves - the outward appearance. Also Shari is teaching us how to dress our best with what God has blessed us ...
New Year, New You!! – Fashion and a SAHM
Yesterday, I introduced you to the new book Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad: A Style Guide for Every Woman by Shari Braendel. Did you sign up for the giveaway?? In the past blog, I shared with you the topics that Shari discusses in her book to help Christian woman dress and look their best. But as I read this book, I ...
New Year, New You!! – Book Review & Giveaway
Unless you are one of "those girls," you and I walk hand in hand on the struggle with fashion, makeup, and accessories. I am not saying "those" in a bad sense; its just that the club for fashion-savey women is small. Let's set the record straight. I am not one of "those" girls. I am still trying to ...
New Year, New You!!
Ladies, I am so excited about the New Year. The mistakes of 2011 are behind us and a clean slate is sitting before us. January 1st is a wonderful time to make changes in our spiritual, physical, and mental areas of life. It's a time to get perspective on the cards we hold and what lies ahead. Want to know something crazy ...
I am Tired of It All!
I am tired. Tired of failing. Tired of missing the mark. Tired of not meeting other's expectations. Tired of not matching up to my own. I am tired. Tired of training, disciplining, cleaning. Tired of laundry, cooking, and dishes. Tired of picking up, sorting, and rearranging. I am ...
The Things I Hate About Myself
We all have them. Those attributes that cause us to scream out to God, "Why am I like this?". Those things we hate about ourselves. I shared examples of these traits in the post 25 Things (I Don't Want You to Know) About Me. But do you want to know what is interesting? For some reason, I expect my ...
Say Little
During my devotion time last month, I read through the Proverbs from The Message by Eugene Peterson. While I wouldn't suggest The Message as a primary version of the Bible, reading this paragraph translation of Bible opened my eyes to new understandings. Read these verses from Proverbs 17 with me: 27 The one who ...
Who are you going to believe?
A few mornings ago, I woke up feeling oppressed. Even though it was still dark out and my children's eyelids had not yet opened, I felt like the day was going to be a waste. I preconceived that attitudes would be flaring, obedience be optional, and fighting to be at an all-time high. So, I started praying. ...
So Much To Tell You: Message #3
Today is the conclusion of the four day series, "So Much to Tell You." If you missed the beginning post, please go back and read Day 1. Looking back over this series, I feel like a science experiment: Day #1 - Houston, we have a problem. Day #2 - Recognize the problem, unable to find solution Day #3 - Solution is found Day #4 - ...
So Much to Tell You: Message #2
If you haven't read the beginning of this blog series, please go back so that you understand the need I had for the messages. I longed for the other side but for some reason found myself unable to obtain it. The worst part of it, I didn't know what was holding me back. Why was I so drawn to the computer, to my mommy drug, which allowed me ...