Pin It I once heard a mom say, “When my daughter is older I don’t want her to ___ but I know that when the time comes I will give in.” Really? I felt very sad for this mom. She already had decided that she would cave to her daughter’s wishes despite the fact that she knew it was not a good decision. In reading an article in the ...
Will You Take the Dare?
Pin It A few years ago, a movie ignited fires in marriages around the world. It displayed to hurting couples that love is a choice and marriage is a commitment. The movie Fireproof centers around a 40-day challenge called the The Love Dare. A dare for husbands and wives to practically practice unconditional love towards ...
Discipline as Easy as Drawing a Line
While detoxing one evening, I sat down to watch a popular TLC show. To my surprise, I discovered an idea that was perfect and I have to share! The mom was instructing the children to stay away from a particular object. So, she assisted one child in drawing a circle with sidewalk chalk around the object to make a boundary. Drawing the ...
Parenting Points to Ponder
source Pin It My mom attended a seminar several years back and gathered these parenting points. I thought that each were very good when thinking about raising and training your child. AS (Attention Span) = Age How many times I forget the age of my child - especially my first born. Sometimes my expectations are much ...
A 2 1/2 Hour Stand-off
source Pin It He knew the rules. He broke the rules. He had consequences. A consequence that he was willing to fight for 2 1/2 hours. Eating what is offered to you is a pretty big deal around here. You are grateful for what you have been given and you finish the food on your plate before getting more. Pretty ...
What to Do When the Obvious is Not Obvious
source Pin It Daddy is an avid biker. Fifty miles is considered a moderate ride. One hundred hilly miles are exhilarating. (A sickness, I believe!) His averages speed is faster than I like to coast. (I'm serious!) And because biking is such a huge part of our lives, we enjoy family bike rides. With Peanut in ...
Volume Control Help
"Why are you yelling?" "Turn down your voice." "Talk quieter." Are you always saying these things? Or is it just me? Bubs must be reminded of this ALL OF THE TIME! (Did I just yell that statement?) Not long after he was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), I ...
Training Your Child to Sleep In
Most of us realize the importance of having a quality quiet time with God. But because the enemy knows that it will change our lives, he does his best to make it not happen. Shelley left this question on our blog: How did you go about training your children to stay in their room til you come get them? I have a almost 3yr old ...
Not Done To a Child But For a Child
Pin It "Discipline is not something done to a child but for a child." After making this statement, Dr. James Dobson described the difference with a word story. You are traveling over a tall bridge. Although there are guard rails - you have no plans to use them. They are simply there to protect you if needed. Discipline is the same. ...
Stop the Lying: Tips
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