I am thrilled to see the growing list of mommas who desire to join the ABC Jesus Loves Me Book Study of Tedd Tripp's Shepherding a Child's Heart. So much so that I have lost count! The countdown for the start day is just three days away - Thursday, May 1st. So what do you do until then? 1) Make sure you have a copy of the book Shepherding a ...
Join Our Book Study: Shepherding a Child’s Heart
The Tedd Tripp book was suggested in a comment in our ABC Jesus Loves Me Group. I wasn't surprised because it has been shared several times by our group members. Actually the premise of the book Shepherding a Child's Heart is the reason why the 4 Year ABCJLM Preschool Curriculum focuses on character education. Digging deep to ...
Seven Truths About Real-Life Parenting
Real-Life Parenting ...
Parenting 101 – Tip #1
credit Parenting is rough. Period! I have yet to find someone who disagrees with this statement. Even those with "angel" children find themselves on their knees begging God for wisdom and strength. Several years ago while listening to Focus on the Family, I heard six tips that I thought were too good not to pass along. ...
How to Survive Night Terrors
credit Bubs struggled with night terrors for 75% of his life from 18 months of age to around six years of age. Praise God that it wasn't every night but it seemed to hit in groups. He would be released from the horror for a while and then suddenly they would appear for several nights in a row. The ...
How to Handle a Never Ending Meltdown
credit I found this post from January 2009. It was a good reminder of how far God has brought us. Bubs was just 5 1/2 years old at the time of this writing. Let me give you a glimpse into an afternoon in our life. Today at approximately 1:00 p.m., I gave Bubs a job to do. The entire job was something he does frequently and is age ...
Which Comes First: Immediate Obedience or Asking Questions
credit A couple of weeks ago, I shared a post titled "Teaching a Child First Time Obedience." It was pretty straight forward and works amazingly well with "normal" kids. You begin with lots of practice and reward. But what happens when you are raising a future lawyer? When every request is presented with a ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: It All Begins with Me Part 2
credit Life was getting too hard. Yesterday, Tammy shared with us how she realized there was something missing in her life (click to read). What she needed most in her life, she had pushed aside for "living" her life. But her story doesn't end there. Read how Tammy found peace in each day. It was ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: It All Begins with Me Part 1
credit Last week I shared a children minister's wisdom that I can't raise "godly" children if I am not growing myself. To raise children who have a personal relationship with their Savior, we must "practice faith together as a family." With so much truth, she shared, "It's easy to want something for our kids that we don't have ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: Good vs. Godly
credit Moral vs. Broken. Good vs. Godly. For the past two days, we have been discussing the above topics. I realized that instead of desiring good, moral kids, my goal should be children who are godly and broken before their Savior. Yesterday I shared the wisdom of a children's minister at our church as she explained that if I ...