A couple of weeks ago, we received a package in the mail from Exclain Entertainment. You would have thought it was Christmas around here. My kids were so excited to see brand new Boz videos, books, and Cds for Mommy to review. They literally couldn't wait for me to put one in the player. If you are not familiar with Boz - you are ...
Review: The Usborne Big Book of Things to Spot
The final book in my Usborne review is The Usborne Big Book of Things to Spot. This book contains over 4,000 pictures to find. Amazing! This a book that will go everywhere with you - to the doctors office, on a plane, traveling in the car, or just at home during quiet time. Beyond the "I Spy" concept, what I love ...
Review: Usborne Young Puzzles
If you ask Bubs his first impression - of anything right now - he will be negative. So when we sat down to read the next book in my Usborne reviews, he immediately said he didn't like this book. So, I started reading it outloud. It wasn't two sentences and he was right beside me. Then when I said the word "treasure" he ...
Review: Usborne Playtime Books
In February I posted about my excitement watching Bubs truly draw something. I mean, for the first time Bubs drew an object instead of just scribble. In that post, I credited the change to the Usborne book I Can Draw Animals. In our school time, I have incorporated the I Can Draw books to help Bubs make sense of objects. I ...
Review: Usborne Touchy-Feely Books
Usborne Touchy-Feely Books are the second set in my review of Usborne books. This is the third book in this series that our family has received. Little Man loves That's Not My Bear. Right now it is his favorite potty-training book! There is a book for about any object that you can imagine - trains, animals, princess, dragon, ...
Review: Usborne First Experiences
If you are not familiar with Usborne books, you need to be! Seriously, this company offers some of the best books. I have even talked about some of their books in previous posts. Usborne books are provided by local consultants, sold on consultant websites, as well as sold on Amazon. I had the privilege to ...
Review: Hermie Who is in Charge
Hermie and Friends Series #15: Who Is in Charge Anyway?, DVD Hermie: A Common Caterpillar is one of my absolute favorite books to read to my kids. The entire point of the book is God saying, "I am not finished with you yet." What better lesson to teach your kids? God has big plans for each and every one of us. So ...
Momology: Only 935 Weekends
Here is a thought from my newest review Momology: A Mom's Guide to Shaping Great Kids: Every childhood holds only 935 weekends. If your little one is 4-years old, you are already down 200 weekends.How are you spending your weekend with your kiddos? Trying to catch up? Off doing your own thing? Or are you making memories as a ...
Momology: Two Truths to Post
Here are two truths from the new book Momology: A Mom's Guide to Shaping Great Kids (read review here) that need to be posted to your mirror on a 3"x5" card: - I am wonderfully made. - I have been specifically designed to match what my child needs in a mom.Don't believe that you are wonderfully made? Don't believe you are ...
Review: Momology
A friend of mine has commented several times, "I wish that you had a MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) group available. You would really enjoy it." When I was asked to review the fall-study book - Momology: A Mom's Guide to Shaping Great Kids - I took the opportunity. I was very impressed. Reading this book made we ...