Does all of the New Year resolution talk depress you? As mommas we often believe there isn’t time or energy for resolutions because survival is the only goal we have.

I get it. I spent several years in survival mode. I’d watch the clock counting down to nap time and praying that no substantial catastrophe would occur before then. I lived for the scarce moments when no one was crawling on me or whining for a blue plate instead of purple.
Now that we have entered Teenage Land, I long for the days of littles at my feet. It grieves me that I didn’t enjoy the time to the fullest.
I wish someone had explained to me how to relish the moments and not wish them away. I wish I would have known how to thrive instead of just attempt to survive those long days.
Can we sit down together for a few minutes for me to share what I wish someone had explained to me?

Daily Be in the Word and Prayer
I know. I know. As a Christian I am supposed to say this, but I’m not beginning with this point because it sounds good. Daily reading the Bible and praying will change your life from mere survival to thriving.
And if I could change anything about those first years of parenting, it is this.
When I read the Word, I learn who God is and what God does. This in turn shows me who I am and what God desires me to do, which is exactly what a mommy needs to know!
Many days won’t be perfect, but each day will get a little better when you take the step toward knowing God.
Read more… What is a Daily Quiet Time?

Guard Your Marriage
Marriages are falling apart all around me. Why? Because the enemy desires to kill, steal, and destroy.
Parenting is exhausting. Children are demanding. To give the illusion of survival, some choose to put their marriage on hold thinking that it will be there when life gets easier. It doesn’t work that way.
When our kiddos were little, my husband instilled some boundaries which I now realize guarded our marriage. At the time, I felt they were a little much but now I praise God for my husband’s wisdom and determination to keep our marriage top priority while our kiddos were young.
Read more… 4 Tips to Divorce Proof Your Marriage

Take Care of Yourself
Early in parenting I scarcely made time to brush my teeth, let alone drink enough water and exercise. With so much to do for family and work, I struggled to find time to refuel and rest.
I realize now that I developed a martyr complex. I willingly suffered, convincing myself that I didn’t have time to refuel or relax. The problem with making yourself a martyr is that everyone loses – you and your family.
While not perfect… everyday I spend at least 15 minutes of some type of exercise. I work hard to model healthy eating in moderation because I have a daughter watching everything going into my mouth. And, I involve my family in the process to help them instill healthy habits.
For years I tried to ignore that 4th commandment thinking if I kept working that I could get ahead. Work is never done for a mom. God rested on the 7th day, what makes me think that I can keep going and not crash?
Survive or Thrive?
We all have the same 24 hours in a day. The difference between those who survive and thrive is how they use the time. Possibly a small change could make a huge difference in your life.

To THRIVE this year, purchase the $15.00 Be Intentional Planner!
THRIVE in parenting by learning some practical tips at an ABCJLM Conference.
February 7-8 – Houston, Texas – Biblical Discipline, How to Teach, How to Fully Use ABCJLM Register now –
Spot on!!! I have two sets of kids – bigs and littles (6 year gap between the two sets) so I totally get all of this. With my bigs, I was hardly in the Word. Now, I wasn’t raised to be a Christian at all so it was still new to me, so I was learning but I really wish I would’ve made it a priority then (or pre-kids!).
The amount of marriages I’m praying for (and the amount of those that are Christian) because they are on the brink, just makes me want to cry. Instead I cry out for them to the Lord. But it does make me realize how precious marriage is and to take care of mine.
So true – We should never take our marriages for granted. And the Word will keep us on the right path. –heidi
Excellent post! Well written and so true. Thank you for the reminders.
Spot on!!! I have two sets of kids – bigs and littles (6 year gap between the two sets) so I totally get all of this. With my bigs, I was hardly in the Word. Now, I wasn’t raised to be a Christian at all so it was still new to me, so I was learning but I really wish I would’ve made it a priority then (or pre-kids!).
The amount of marriages I’m praying for (and the amount of those that are Christian) because they are on the brink, just makes me want to cry. Instead I cry out for them to the Lord. But it does make me realize how precious marriage is and to take care of mine.
So true! Thank you for sharing. –heidi