Seven months ago Melanie and I began sharing on the Parenting to Impress Podcast what God has taught us, mistakes we have made, and stories of God’s faithfulness. And as only God could do, there have been so many downloads that Parenting to Impress is in the top 10% of all podcasts!
But, do you know the most popular podcast episode? Is the name of the podcast unbiblical? Who is the voice at the end of the show?
Today I wanted to answer some of your questions and take you behind the scenes of the Parenting to Impress Podcast.
Is the “Parenting to Impress” Name Unbiblical?
The title of the podcast has brought about some strong reactions on the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook group. Here’s one unsolicited comment.

If you’ve been around for any length of time, you know that “impressing” God’s truths on our children is the motto of this ministry. It is also a Biblical commandment!
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 – Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
“Impress” has dual meanings. The first focuses on admiration, while the second definition targets giving a distinct characteristic or mark. On the Parenting to Impress blog and podcast it is our desire that you will be encouraged and empowered to distinctively mark God’s truths on your children and students.
Even the title provides an opportunity to share the truth, purpose, and hope God provides to us!

Favorite Parenting to Impress Episode
Melanie: Asking me to pick a favorite podcast is like asking me to choose my favorite child – it varies day to day! Whenever we speak directly to the importance of moms having a vibrant and active relationship with the Lord, that’s always an encouragement to me. I need that reminder! The three Advice Learned Along the Way episodes were a walk down memory lane. I just want to hold my younger self and tell her to major in the majors and minor in the minors – I got that backwards…a lot.
Heidi: I think I have a favorite and then we create a new one which quickly takes the prize. But since I have to choose, I am going to go with the most recent episode, True or False: God Won’t Give Me More than I Can Handle. This was a very emotional and personal sharing which reminded me how far God has brought me through the grieving process.
Listeners: Honestly, there isn’t a runaway winner on this one – which means that our subscribers are so faithful to listen! But by the numbers, How to Pray the Scriptures for Yourself and Your Family has been listened to the most, followed closely in 2nd with What Lies Are You Believing?.

Where Do You Podcast?
Melanie and I tape all of the podcasts on a foldable table right beside the desk where I do all my ABCJesusLovesMe work. Nothing fancy here! We are learning to turn off the air, shut the door to the kitchen so the ice maker doesn’t make noise, and hope the mail doesn’t come while we tape.
Who’s the Boy Speaking at the End of the Podcast?
The astute little voice at the end of the Podcast is none other than my Little Man. We got the closing taped right before his voice changed. If we retaped it now you would ask, “Who is that man speaking?”

Most Discouraging Part of Podcasting?
Heidi: Time to tape. Time to edit. Time to share. God has given us so much content to share but we struggle with having the time to get it into your hands. We love the requests for upcoming episodes, and we are working hard to hit all of the topics!
Melanie: I came to the podcast table pretty prideful. I thought it would be easy! Just turn on the mics and talk! But what the Lord, and Heidi, have been so gracious to teach me is that I am a verbal processor. I need time to hash out my thoughts – so I need to think through the topic a bit before we hit record. But I can also bounce off Heidi and trust that the Holy Spirit will guide our conversation to pull out what He wants to.

Most Encouraging Part of Podcasting?
Heidi: God is using my mistakes, brokenness, and experiences to encourage others. There is no better place to be than knowing you are following God’s will and purpose for your life. And I love how the podcasts allow others to see how amazing my dear friend Melanie is. She is continually teaching, encouraging, and edifying me, and our listeners get to “jump into the booth” and be part of this!
Melanie: I think overall what’s been so neat is that in each episode there’s been at least one (usually many) nugget that the Lord had for me – and I know that if that’s true of me, we are definitely fulfilling our mission to reach other women.
How Can I Support the Parenting to Impress Mission?
Subscribe to the podcast. Tell your friend. Share on social media. Write a review on the podcasting apps. Please! Doing these things help us spread the truth of Biblical parenting (and combat the lies of society), encourage women in their spiritual walks, and give practical tools to parents and teachers.

What’s Next for Parenting to Impress?
In September we will begin a series that I think is going to bless your socks off. I was encouraged, inspired, and convicted creating it! And as our first interview, you will not want to miss this kickoff for the new school year.
With the busyness of summer, we know that some of you have gotten behind on listening. During the month of August, we want to give you time to catch up or relisten to your favorite episodes. If you haven’t had time to listen to all 17 episodes (don’t worry, they are short), pick one of the episodes mentioned above. Or, begin with the Trailer Episode to get to know more about Melanie and I. And discover our hearts’ desires to walk alongside you as you Parent to Impress the love of God on your children and students.