Teachable moments.
It’s a phrase that you will hear in abundance on this blog and on the ABCJesusLovesMe Preschool Curriculum website. And with almost 1.5 million search results on Google, it is a phrase that you have probably heard a plethora of other places as well.
But what are teachable moments, why are they important, and how do you utilize them? Today’s post will combine several popular blog posts to answer each of these valid questions.
What Are Teachable Moments?

I define teachable moments as an unplanned, God-given opportunity that arises with your child or student, that if grasped, provides an ideal chance for learning to occur.
Why are Teachable Moments Important?
As stated in my definition, I believe teachable moments are God-given. He provides us with the opportunities to train and impress upon our kids through learning opportunity that are relevant to the child.

How to Utilize Teachable Moments
In my mind, the difference between having a conversation and having a teachable moment is in the depth and the focus. Am I giving short, direct answers or am I taking the time to get to the heart of the matter and learning opportunity?
Academic Learning
Teachable moments that provide academic learning are fun because the child doesn’t realize he is learning.
Here are two examples:
- While giving your child a bath, the child remarks that the toy is sitting on the water. This is a teachable moment to demonstrate the words “sink” and “float.”
- Your child is helping you bake cookies, even though it takes longer you allow her to stir, unwrap, and dump ingredients. These activities allow the child to improve gross and fine motor skills and counting. Further the teachable moment by allowing the child to give the cookies to a neighbor and discuss how giving to others is showing love.
View the Biblical Parenting Video series for more practical ideas.
Biblical Training
As a Christian, I should continually be “impressing” God upon my children and turning their eyes toward their Savior. If I am doing this, I am turning a situation into a teachable moment.
There are three avenues to impress God upon our children during a teachable moment:
I am hopeful that the above information has explained to you the importance of slowing down to take advantage of the fleeting moments and dialing into the Holy Spirit to recognize teachable moments.
And for more FREE teachable moments ideas, be sure to follow the ABCJesusLovesMe and Our Out-of-Sync Life social media for weekly Be Intentional Mom Minutes!

Have you heard? The remodeled Large Be Intentional Planner is now available to order. We sold out of the first quantity in 3 hours! But the stock is refilled and now is the time to get your July 2020 – June 2021 planner. The cover is partially colored for pictures only and is sent without any color to allow you to design as you desire.