Every family has "their" tater-tot recipe. Each recipe has a little "thing" that makes it special but they are all sheer goodness. A comfort food that brings everyone to the table. Because the meat is not browned ahead of time, this casserole can be assembled in mere minutes. Put it together ahead of ...
Review: Therabreath
I will try about anything; as long as it isn't harmful, that is. When a review for TheraBreath came up, I was game. I don't think that I have horrific breath. At least I have not been told this on a normal basis. But, why not make sure. Right? TheraBreath sent me three items - Therabreath Fresh ...
New Carseat Regulations
Incase you haven't heard, there are new carseat regulations out. Every part of me wants to make a wise crack about them but since children's safety is involved, I won't. According to my google research: The new guidelines focus on five recommendations: All infants and toddlers should ride in a rear-facing safety seat until they ...
My Goals Update
If there has ever been a late post, this is it. This post has been "written" in my head several times but for this and that reason has not been typed and published yet. Let me back up. The first of January I encouraged you to set goals for 2011. We talked about turning the impossible into possible. I told you mine and said ...
Review: Princess with a Purpose
A few weeks ago, I encouraged everyone to purchase A Warrior Prince for God. Today, I will introduce you to the "girl" version of this book. Princess with a Purpose is very similar to its brother book. (If you haven't read the other review, be sure to before reading this one.) A little girl has a dream that she ...
3 and 4 Year Curriculum Finished!!!
Two weeks ago I finished the 4 Year Curriculum. Today, I finished the 3 Year Curriculum. Boy am I excited! You told me what you wanted to see changed/added and I went to work. If you remember, the 4 Year Curriculum had quite a few changes. The 3 Year Curriculum has gone through much less revamping. None the ...
Talk-2-Me Thursday
Today is "Talk-2-Me Thursday". A time for you to ask me and other ABCJLM parents your questions. Any subject. Any question. Also use this time to let me know what you would like to see more or less of on this blog. ...
Review: How to Be God’s Little Princess
How to Be God's Little Princess: Royal Tips on Manners and Etiquette for Girls is the newest book by author Sheila Walsh. At only 127 pages, this book is a go-to manual for girls on dress, dining, poise, friendship, body care, planning a party, media, manners, etiquette, family, and inner beauty. Quizzes are given in a fun manner to help ...
Recipe: Bread Machine Whole Wheat Bread
I have two favorite smells in life. The smell of a freshly bathed baby. Be still my heart. The second favorite smell is homemade bread baking in the oven. Delicious. While it might be cool to say that I make several loaves a week by mixing and kneading, I would be lying. I haven't kneaded bread for quite some ...
Cooking with Ease…Well Realitively
I recently told my husband that I wish I didn't have to sleep. During the night while everyone else is sleeping, I could get my house cleaned, meals prepared, laundry done, and bills paid. That would leave time for my family during the day! Sadly that isn't life because this Momma needs her sleep! Since life requires ...