While searching for an image for another blog post, I came upon this poster. Immediately the Holy Spirit said, "This is what God thinks of you!" Then I was hit with all of these encouraging thoughts: You are ...
Review: SpellQuizzer
Weekly spelling test are in our future as Bubs gets older. When all four of the kids get into school, I shutter at the thought of preparing four children for spelling test! I think I just found our solution! The SpellQuizzer allows you to enter an entire spelling list into a program that gives the test and checks the ...
Warning: Stop Talking In Front of Your Children
Do you remember my post "I Talk Too Much"? Well, this is an extension of that. I talk too much in front of my children! Actually, I really do try to be careful about this. But sometimes, I fail. You know what else? I bet you do too! You invite a group of people over for supper. Your child is acting ...
Review: The Keys to the Kingdom
This is my second review involving a product with the words "key" and "kingdom". The first review was for the computer game Keys of the Kingdom. The second is the new book by Jeff Dixon called The Key To The Kingdom. Just to clarify, similar in name but very different. Plot: Grayson Hawkes is sent on ...
Shaving Cream Finger Painting
Using shaving cream as finger paint is a fun project to do with the kids. Wonderful sensory and fine motor activity. Plus it makes your house smell really good! Place shaving cream in a pan. A jelly roll pan worked best. Add water-based paint to the shaving cream to change the color. A pan with sides works best ...
Listen: The Essentials of a Healthy Home
While I am working on the ABCJLM curriculum (getting closer to having the updates done!!), I am listening to Focus on the Family. Today's broadcast is a message by Pastor Tommy Nelson. Find out what Pastor Nelson wishes he would have done more with his kids. Learn what he is so thankful he did. Take a moment to listen to ...
Winner of the Paws and Tales Giveaway
And the randomly computer selected winner of the God Cares for You: Bible Wisdom for Kids (Chuck Swindoll's Paws & Tales) DVD is: ReneePlease email me with your address before Friday night at midnight so that I can send you the gift certificate! Congrats! ...
God Shaped Hole
It has been one of those days and I just NEED something. I don't know what it is but the craving it HUGE. I want it NOW. Oh I know what I need...I think. I sink myself - eyes, teeth, ears, body - into it and it is wonderful. But what is this? That didn't do it? I want more. Or is this a new need? ...
Inexpensive Worksheets
A while back, I received this great idea from Rachel, a website user: I thought you might be interested in something that I have begun to do for my 3 yr old daughter. She absolutely loves doing worksheets and begs for them on a daily basis - I have to talk her into letting me have the weekends off :-). Since printer ink could get rather expensive ...
March: Making Memories
Several months ago I mentioned that my mom gave me a 1993 issue of Shining Star magazine. Included in this issue is an excerpt from Jody Capehart's book - Cherishing and Challenging Your Children. The article called "Making Meaningful Memories", contains practical tips to create family traditions and memories throughout the year. ...