I write this post with the monitor on. Don't mind me, if I have to excuse myself every few minutes to go put my son back in bed. It has now been 65 minutes of "excusing" myself. Last week, Little Man discovered that he can climb out of his crib. Honestly, we were surprised that it took this long because frankly, he climbs ...
Review: Bringing Up Girls
Not long after Bubs was born, I read the book Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson. Now five years later he has written the sister book - Bringing Up Girls. I have the greatest respect for Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family. I thank God for what the various radio programs (Adventures in ...
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Does anyone know anything about Oppositional Defiance Disorder? Websites or books that you suggest? What works and helps? ...
Guest Post: When Mother’s Day is Difficult
While many women celebrate Mother's Day, for other women it is a reminder of the fact that they are not a mother. For some reason, they have been plagued with infertility. I wanted to repost this article from our sister site - Interrupted Expectations. It is written by a woman who is reminded every year in May that she ...
Mom Card or Poster
I was looking for an idea for the kids to do for Mother's Day. Unfortunately, I didn't really find anything that I liked but somehow came up with this idea. The kids were able to do the majority of the craft by themselves and it allowed for scissor practice too! The word "MOM" is a palindromic word - a word that is spelled the same backwards ...
Sensory Brushing & Joint Compression Technique
Back in February when Bubs was having such a terrible week, I called his OT hoping to come up with something to do. I truly was at my wit's end with his behavior. Ms. W told me that she wanted us to immediately start the "brushing technique". She was going to send two brushes home, detailed instructions, as well as teach us what to do. I was ...
Guest Post: Life with Disabilities
This is the final excerpt of Kari's story. Read Day #1 here. We left the neurologist's building and I called my husband. I told him “it’s official, he has Autism”. I cried as I held the sweet little hand of my precious boy as we walked to the car. When I got into the driver seat, the tears were gone. I was ready to help ...
Guest Post: Life with Disabilities
This is a continuation of the Guest Post from yesterday. Read the first part here. What is Wrong? We survived like this for months. This is when we realized we were not dealing with normal childhood issues. This wasn’t right. We couldn’t dry our son’s back after a bath because he would scream hysterically. We bought a very expensive towel ...
Review: Captivating
A couple of months ago, my husband had the opportunity to attend the Wild at Heart Men's Retreat. You may recognize the title of this best selling book by John Eldredge. My husband was blown away by this incredible experience he had meeting with God and other men. He has encouraged me to read the book stating that I will ...
Recall on Children’s Medicine
In case you have not seen the recall - please do check it out. The McNeil Consumers group is doing a voluntary recall on ---Children's and Infant Tylenol ---Children's and Infant Motrin ---Children's Zyrtec ---Children's Benadryl McNeil Consumer Healthcare is initiating this voluntary recall because some of these products may not ...