Here are suggested websites that Kari has found helpful: - great ASD/PDD support board - really good articles, helps, and resources about ...
Captivating: Eve – The Master’s Finishing Touch
As promised in my review, I am going to be diving in a little deeper into the newly revised Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul book. The first point that really hit me was about Eve. Up until reading this book, whenever I thought about Eve the image of her eating the fruit came to mind. I never thought ...
Thank You Cards
With the end of the school year approaching, it is time to express our thanks to those teachers who have loved on our kiddos. So, today and kids and I sat down to create thank you cards for their Mother's Day Out teachers. This Thank-You Card came from an idea on the website Enchanted Learning. Bubs added ...
Managing Meltdowns
Kari sent me a link to a Autism website. I was thrilled with what I found and think you will too. The article Managing Meltdowns is written for teachers in a classroom situation. Using some of their suggestions, I am going to put a personal spin on it to give you ideas to use at home. 1. Make expectations ...
Eating Your Shirt!
Child learn specific ways to cope with the various emotions they feel. For some it is sucking their thumbs. Other kids twirl their hair. Some behaviors are socially acceptable while others aren't. But, these are all behaviors that a child has learned to do when over stimulated, scared, nervous, etc. Heather asked the ...
Handwriting Suggestions
On our last "Talk 2 Me Thursdays", I was asked: Do you have suggestions for teaching handwriting?This is one area that I feel especially grateful for Bubs' OT. I learned how to teach handwriting! I saw how it helped Bubs when his fine motor skills were in the 1st percentile. Now I am using the same concepts with Sweet Pea. I have [attempted] to ...
Soapbox: Giving vs. Making Money
Okay...I apologize but it is time for a soapbox topic. Everywhere I turn, I hear conversation of how stay-at-home moms can make money. Money saving blogs. Sell this. Sell that. Money management sites and books. Ebay this. Garage sale that. I am 100% on board that we should be good stewards of our God-given money. Personally, I cut out coupons ...
Bedtime…Or Not!
I write this post with the monitor on. Don't mind me, if I have to excuse myself every few minutes to go put my son back in bed. It has now been 65 minutes of "excusing" myself. Last week, Little Man discovered that he can climb out of his crib. Honestly, we were surprised that it took this long because frankly, he climbs ...
Review: Bringing Up Girls
Not long after Bubs was born, I read the book Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson. Now five years later he has written the sister book - Bringing Up Girls. I have the greatest respect for Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family. I thank God for what the various radio programs (Adventures in ...
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Does anyone know anything about Oppositional Defiance Disorder? Websites or books that you suggest? What works and helps? ...