Click to read an update on the God, I Need to Talk to You About... series.Because of the 4 Year Curriculum's focus on character education, I was immediately drawn to the titles of these books. I was thankful when Concordia Publishing House allowed me to review a few of them. There are 16 God, I Need to Talk to You books by Dan ...
I received an email about Valentine's. I thought it was a little early to be thinking about that until I realized that January is quickly going to be in our rearview mirror. So, I am going to jump on the bandwagon. In the next few days, I will be sending you links to Valentine activities, worksheets, and cute Valentine's to ...
Hand Shower
Ya is the little things in life. For me it is a hand shower. I asked my husband why we didn't get this thing 5 years ago when Bubs was born! Seriously!! I LOVE to give the kids a shower. No more bending over! I know. Pretty sad. A few years ago while visiting our neighbors, Sweet Pea had ...
Review: God’s Little Princess Devotional Bible
I had the privilege of reviewing God's Little Princess Devotional Bible: Bible Storybook by Sheila Walsh. From the moment that I requested this book, I excitedly watched the mail for it to arrive. The book has a beautiful "princess" cover with crown and jewels. Our daughter fell in love immediately and wanted to show everyone. I ...
Review: Berenstain Bears Play a Good Game
Living Lights: The Berenstain Bears Play a Good Game Positive sportsmanship is often dismissed by parents and kids alike these days. I am always astonished at the behavior displayed at local Little League games. The Berenstain Bear cubs and Papa learn a valuable lesson about "Playing a Good Game". Sadly, I was disappointed with this story. Great ...
Ebook & Week 22
After my plea for help, several have suggested making the curriculum available by ebook. The only problem is that I don't know anything about ebooks! If you have had an experience creating an ebook or making an ebook available for purchase, would you please let me know!! Email me or leave a comment. This is Week 22 for the ABCJLM ...
Review: Berenstain Bears Faithful Friends
The Berenstain Bears: Faithful Friends is one of several books in the Living Lights series. I have done several reviews of the Berenstain Bear books and rarely am I disappointed. I have given at least 4 Bibles to almost all of them. In Faithful Friends, Sister has a fight with her best friend Lizzy. It ...
Review: The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule
Living Lights: The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule For Sister Bear's birthday, she receives a special locket inscribed with the Golden Rule. She doesn't quite understand what it means, even though Mama Bear explains it. Then an new girl arrives at her school, and she's faced with a choice: Should she ignore the new girl at school just because ...
FAQ: When Do You Cover It?
One of the questions that I get asked frequently is "When do you cover the different items on the lesson plan?" The Weekly Lesson Plans divide the curriculum into 36 week-long segments. Since the curriculum are set up to be studied 3-4 times a week, it is up to you to decide how each week will look. Planning ...
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
If You Give a Moose a Muffin is a book that we received from our neighbors as a Christmas gift. The set that was given to us also included a stuffed animal - moose - along with the book. Little Man LOVES his moosey! This book is part of the popular If You Give...Books set by Laura Numeroff. We have enjoyed reading this fun ...