The Anticipation of My Instant Pot The hype filled Facebook and blogs during the holidays of 2016. In my research I read glowing reviews and watched positive YouTube videos. Not one bad comment did I read. Just to confirm my findings, I asked questions of my Facebook friends. Finally I jumped on the bandwagon and joined the Instant Pot ...
Teaching Your Child to Read: When Your Child is Struggling
You've read to your child, "Picture Walked" through books, and discussed comprehension questions. You've taught the child the phonetic sound of each letter and the child can combine the sounds to form words. You've used a quality phonics-driven curriculum to provide the child with a solid foundation. According to this blog series ...
Teaching a Child to Read: Choosing a Curriculum
So far in this series of Teaching a Child to Read, I've shared eight ideas to grow a reader and I've explained the process necessary for a child to begin reading. Once the child can put individual sounds together to create a word, it is time to begin reading books. As I stated before, this happens in a wide range of ages so do not panic if your ...
Teaching a Child to Read: Is Your Child Ready?
Transitioning from the child being read to, to the child doing the reading can be a stressful time. But in actuality, it doesn't have to be. More shouldn't be. This should be a smooth transition. (Read How to Grow a Reader) For me, this has become one of my favorite developments in our children's lives. There is nothing ...
Teaching a Child to Read: How to Grow a Reader
Even before a child begins Kindergarten, pressure builds to teach a child to read. But so many questions come to mind! For the next several weeks, we are going to look into the process of teaching a child to read and I'll answer each of these questions based on my experience in teaching my own children. Did you know that there are ...
Guest Post: The Unexpected Journey {The Beginning}
Are you in a time of waiting? Waiting for answers? Waiting for God to move? We've all been there. But I think it is especially hard when the waiting involves our children. Today I invite you to a story of interrupted expectations, unknown answers, and waiting. I asked Cindy to share her journey as I know that many of you will ...
What are the Differences Between Children’s Bibles and How Do I Choose? {Giveaway}
Have you ever done a search for Children's Bibles on Amazon? There are a lot of options! Paraphrase and picture Bibles. Story Bibles and theme Bibles. But which Bible is right for your child? The answer depends on the age of your child and your goal when reading the Bible. Here is how I separate the various options and the target age for ...
Best Parenting Advice from Experienced Parents
Am I doing enough to train my children to be responsible adults? Do you have questions like this keeping you up at night, too? Parenting is hard, confusing, and humbling. Which battles do I fight? Which do I let go? A few weeks ago, I headed to Facebook to talk to parents who have gone through the trenches and lived to tell ...
How Much Media Use is the Right Amount?
A few days ago a question was asked on the ABCJLM Facebook Group about the amount of media use allowed each day. Great question. It was interesting to read the range of answers... from no media use to no limits. Risk of Media Use The research is unanimous. It doesn't matter if it is educational or is media. Use of and watching media ...
How to Accomplish Your Goals
According to only 8% of people achieve their New Years Resolution Goals. This statistic makes my heart sink because as I have shared in our current blog series, I have some goals and I desire to see them to fruition. And I know that you do too! So how can we take our goals - whether about our health, finances, time ...