Two weeks ago the most amazing, humbling, beautiful thing happened in our home. Our baby (Peanut - age 5) realized his need for God's help, forgiveness, and grace. He prayed and told God that he didn't want to live his way anymore; he wants to live God's way. Praise the Lord, my son is now my brother in Christ! As a parent, this is the most ...
How to Change a Child’s Heart
It has been a very difficult three months with Little Man. Completely absorbed in himself, he battles lies, lacks self-control, and struggles with defiance. He wants what he wants and no consequence is going to cause him to think twice. Every time Little Man bows up, my demeanor falls as I know it will be yet another battle that I have to win. ...
Over 75 of the Most Delicious, Easy Meals for Your Family
source Last week I posted on Facebook the need for two dishwashers. Obviously I am thankful for the one I have but with the craziness of life, I wouldn't turn down a second one. Why? Because as our children have grown, my time with them is even more important. I don't want to be stuck in the kitchen when I could be ...
Would You Take 10 Seconds to Help Me, Please?
So many of you have taken the time to let me know how much you appreciate this blog. I will be forever grateful for the encouragement. But do you know the greatest compliment that you can give me is to share Our Out-of-Sync Life with your family and friends? One way is through Facebook. Would you please take 10 seconds to click on the LIKE ...
Creating a Preschool Notebook
Wondering what to do with your little one's art and writing masterpieces? Check out this idea from 2013. With four littles in our house, our refrigerator is not big enough to hold all of the artwork and handwriting papers. I needed someway to showcase and organize the learning our children were doing during preschool time. The ...
Preparing to Impress
permission to use In 2013, I shared a series called "Preparing to Impress." Packed full of practical ideas, it has been such a popular series. Since we have so many new readers to this blog, I decided to revisit it today. Before we look at the ideas, I want to explain the meaning of the title. For when you understand the title, you can ...
A Precious Gift: Scripture Memory {Giveaway}
Last week on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group, Allison shared Memory Verse printables that she created to help her family learn verses. I loved what she posted and asked if she would explain more. Here is what she shared: What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. Psalm 56:3 I just typed this verse from memory, the words ...
When a Door is Closed…
source And like that the door is closed. I am no longer the mom of littles. Yesterday I delivered all four of my children to elementary and middle schools to learn, grow, and love others for another school year. They are big kids now and I don't like it. My babies are growing up. Obviously I knew this day ...
A Parent’s Prayer for the School Year
It's mid-August and in a blink I am closing the door on being a mom of preschoolers and opening the door to life as a mom of a middle school pre-teen and three elementary-aged children. So many emotions in that statement. As I begin this new stage of life, I know that I need God's wisdom and strength. I need His ...
Are the Current Events Causing Fear?
I am a news junkie. Each day I read the archaic information piece made of ink and paper after watching the news on TV. I feel as a Christian it is important to know what is happening around us in politics and society. But not lately. I know what I will hear if I turn on the news and unglove the paper. Hate. Lies. Corruption. ...