This year I am celebrating huge milestones with two of my favorite couples. One, my parents. The other, our neighbors who have become like parents to us and grandparents to our kiddos. Both have done something that many have dreamed of, but few will accomplish. Both have made love "more about an act than a ...
How to Handle a Never Ending Meltdown
credit I found this post from January 2009. It was a good reminder of how far God has brought us. Bubs was just 5 1/2 years old at the time of this writing. Let me give you a glimpse into an afternoon in our life. Today at approximately 1:00 p.m., I gave Bubs a job to do. The entire job was something he does frequently and is age ...
Choosing the Right Children’s Bible
Choosing a Children's Bible ...
How I am Trying to Convince God to Be My Friend
credit In quiet time, God has been pointing out two huge areas of sin in my life. The two areas that are holding me back from being fully used by God. In a blog post entitled "I Don't Love Well," I shared how I struggle to "love my enemies." Can I tell you how often in the past few weeks God has provided me ...
Have a Valentine’s Day Treasure Hunt with Your Kids
Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt ...
Which Comes First: Immediate Obedience or Asking Questions
credit A couple of weeks ago, I shared a post titled "Teaching a Child First Time Obedience." It was pretty straight forward and works amazingly well with "normal" kids. You begin with lots of practice and reward. But what happens when you are raising a future lawyer? When every request is presented with a ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: It All Begins with Me Part 2
credit Life was getting too hard. Yesterday, Tammy shared with us how she realized there was something missing in her life (click to read). What she needed most in her life, she had pushed aside for "living" her life. But her story doesn't end there. Read how Tammy found peace in each day. It was ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: It All Begins with Me Part 1
credit Last week I shared a children minister's wisdom that I can't raise "godly" children if I am not growing myself. To raise children who have a personal relationship with their Savior, we must "practice faith together as a family." With so much truth, she shared, "It's easy to want something for our kids that we don't have ...
New Children Story Bibles and Devos Available
When I was a kids we had the choice of Psalty's the Singing Song Book Kids Bible or Precious Moments Bible. And the only thing that was made these Bibles different were that fact that they had a colorful cover! Today's kids have Bibles to pick in about any color or theme desired. The storybook, handbook, and devo below focuses on Adventure ...
Three Books That Promote Activity, Laughter, and Fun
Taking a break from our "Impressing Jesus on Them" series to share three books that you need to have in your home library. They are so much fun that you will read them over and over and over. While reading you will be laughing with your child as he or she tries to follow the directions of these three books. (These books make for great home ...