What if I told you that you could completely change your life by adding just one thing to your day?What if I told you that the one thing would only take 1% of your total day? Would you do it? You’d be crazy not to! 1% of Your Day If you have been part of this blog family for a while, you won't be surprised that the one ...
How to Have Successful Family Vacations
Read the podcast episode's transcript. I will never forget the first family vacation we took as a family of 6. Our youngest was around 8 months old, and while we’ve always been a camping family, we’d yet to venture out with our little caboose. I made the checklists, double checked the supplies, picked a perfect campsite – close to the bathrooms ...
High, Low, Buffalo Conversation Starter
Getting children to talk about their days isn't always easy. When I ask my teen children to tell me what's going on in their life, sometimes the response is "Nothing," or "I don't know." Yet when they were younger, my role was much like a cruise director - I had to steer the conversation and keep their little minds on track. So when Heidi ...
Advice We’ve Learned Along the Way, Part 3
In our final episode/blogpost of this 3-part series, Heidi and I wrap up the best parenting advice we've learned along our journeys as moms. While we said we didn't have any favorites, it's clear that as we came to the end of our list, we really did have some that we hold dearer than others! ▼ Jump to Listen to Episode #7: Advice ...
Advice We’ve Learned Along the Way, Part 2
Two weeks ago we began creating a list of "Advice We’ve Learned Along the Way." A list of parenting advice we have learned, things we wish we had done differently, and pointers from others we are thankful we held firm to. If you haven’t read the post or listened to the first podcast in this series, be sure to go back to receive the background ...
Advice We’ve Learned Along the Way, Part 1
From the moment you find out you're becoming a parent, everyone has a word of advice for you! When well-intentioned and from someone you trust, these words of wisdom have potential to shape and direct the course you take. But if you look to social media or Google for your advice, you’ll be overwhelmed with the results! So, how do we ...
How to Teach Your Child to Pray
As Christian moms, we know that teaching our children to pray is one of our most important duties. But for many of us, prayer is difficult in our own life and the idea of teaching it to our children feels like one more to-do on our very long list. But what if we choose to see prayer as a beautiful invitation to connect and communicate with God? ...
How to Engage Your Child in Meaningful Conversation
As mommas we spend much of our days talking to our kids. We tell them to come to the table, to clean up their toys, get dressed, and so on. There are so many opportunities throughout the day to communicate instructions. But what about conversations? Not the one-sided commands that we have to issue. I’m talking about the times when we get ...
What Lies Are You Believing? {Free Printable}
I’m not good enough.No one likes me.Everyone else has a clean house.Their kids are smarter and cuter. And the list of lies goes on. Lies that we aren’t enough and everyone is better. We firmly believe that in order for us to be able to live out our God-given, Parenting-to-Impress mission to the fullest, we need to be ...