Happy Birthday, Jesus Party ...
Impressing on Children
Christmas Traditions: A Birthday Cake For Jesus
Happy Birthday Jesus Cake ...
Christmas Traditions: Applesauce Cinnamon Ornaments
This popular post has been updated! Please click to view the new post. ...
FAQ: My Library Doesn’t Have the Suggested Books
image shared by Jen Here is a frequently asked question: My library doesn't have many of the books suggested in the ABCJLM Curriculum. I can't afford to purchase all of them. What do I do? Following our weekly trips to the library, I would sit down with my kiddos to read from the collection of books we brought home. I would get so frustrated ...
Review: The Big Picture Story Bible
This post contains affiliate links. I wanted to see for myself what all the talk was about. In many Amazon reviews I read, people referred to the The Big Picture Story Bible as being the best. Is it worth all the hype? What makes it so great?I was super excited to take a look at this Bible. Upon receiving it, the kids and ...
Betty Lukens Flannelgraph 20% Discount
I believe that flannelgraph is one of the best ways to teach preschool age children about the Bible. Not only do children hear the stories, they see them, and get to be part of the story which enables visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning when a child assists in placing the flannelgraph items on the board. This takes learning to the very ...
Is Your Child Ready to Begin Kindergarten?
This blog post has been updated: https://parentingtoimpress.com/2020/07/kindergarten.html ...
ABCJLM Memory Verse Cards
With my added desire to fill my heart and the heart of my kiddos with God's word, I have put together Memory Verse Cards for the ABC Jesus Loves Me Curriculum. Each card contains the verse, reference, a corresponding picture, and a piggyback song or CD to sing the verse. Also listed is the curriculum and week that the verse is used in the ...
Review: The Beginner’s Bible CD Set
Pictures that the kids enjoy looking through. Short sentences that keep the kids’ interest. Biblically sound stories. The Beginners Bible continues to be our favorite children’s Bible. I was excited to see that Zonderkidz has created our favorite Bible on CD in the Beginner's Bible Deluxe Edition. All of the 94 stories are read ...
Run, Sun, They Both Say “Un”
A year ago, I wrote a blog about Bubs struggling with rhyming words. Fearing he would begin kindergarten still not hearing the rhyming sounds, we intentionally worked with fun words to help him hear the sounds. I was thrilled when Bubs' kindergarten teacher taught him a little rhyme to help. ____, _____ They both say _____. (clap) Here is ...