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Impressing on Children
Resurrection Eggs
Click to view the updated post: Resurrection Eggs Discover a plethora of FREE Easter activities for the whole family on the ABCJesusLovesMe website! ...
Bubs has never liked to draw. Up until a couple of days ago, if you asked him to draw something, he scribbled. I looked in the magazines that we receive and saw these great pictures that kids Bubs' age drew. I knew that the problem stemmed back to his fine motor skills but we had to turn the tide. Along with the Visual Perception Activities ...
Snow Paint
If you are like us, the temperatures are very cold and snow is covering the grass. Here is a fun activity to paint snow that will entertain everyone. Snow Paint Supplies watersqueeze bottles (empty ketchup, mustard bottles work as well) or spray bottlefood coloring Snow Paint Directions Fill each squeeze bottle with ...
Making Paper Snowflakes
We are continuing our Ricky the Raccoon story "Let is Snow!" from our current Ranger Rick Jr. magazine by doing the same activities that the animals did - Making Paper Snowflakes! The kids really enjoyed this activity and several were made to hang on our back door. Snowflake Learning So much learning occurred in this project. ...
Before You Start…
I received a phone call from a sweet friend. She was feeling the pressure to do a lot of "school" with her 4 1/2 year old. But, every time that she tries to sit down with her son, he stalls and complains about it. Instead of being a time of learning and fun, it becomes a long-drawn-out war. She believes that her son has the ability to read but he ...
A Child’s 10 Commandments to Parents
source At church this weekend Bubs learned about the 10 Commandments. His teachers sent home a sheet that listed "A Child's 10 Commandments to Parents" by Dr. Kevin Leman and I wanted to share it with you. 1. My hands are small; please don't expect perfection whenever I make a bed, draw a picture or throw a ball. My legs are ...