Image Source - lusi Everywhere I look people are talking about the new year. Changes they will make. Weight they want to lose. Organization that is going to occur. They promise that the new year is going to be different. Healthier. Better. But if you are like me, those changes last until January 12th. Life throws a curve ball, ...
How Do You Fill in the Blank?
Fill in this equation. Jesus + ___________________ = Salvation How did your mind fill the blank space in the sentence above? Hard work? Perfection? Sacrifice? My abilities? Raising perfect kids? Building a ministry? My talents? Doing the perfect Advent activity? Actually, the answer to this statement isn't what you might expect. ...
Happy Thanksgiving, Road Trip Activity Workbook, and Giveaway Winners
image source - Ayal87 Today's blog post is a Capricorn of ideas and info. Be sure to check out each point! Road Trip Activity Workbook Many of you will be traveling for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. Make your trip a little easier with the free ABCJLM Road Trip Activity Workbook. A collection of activities and games that we ...
When Your Children Don’t Match Your Parenting Dreams
When Your Children Don't Match Your Parenting Dreams Giveaway: Out of 157 entries, the randomly chosen winner of the Galaxy Buck DVD is: Monica M (email monicamil...@) Monica, please contact me within 48 hours using the winning email address and be sure to include your mailing address. Thank you to everyone who entered ...
How to Give God Your Worry
Each morning I watch the local news. And between the crime, corruption in the government, and the unrest around the world, I can find myself in a heap of worry. My mom shared with me an idea that she heard at Bible study last week. Whenever something is on your mind that is causing you to worry, write the issue on a 3x5" card. Then place it ...
Do You Have a Talking Stick: A Visual Cue to Teach Respect and Listening Skills
“Do you have a Talking Stick?” she asked me. My first instinct was panic. Should I have a talking stick? Is it wrong to have talking stick? Oh my…what is a talking stick? Bubs’ speech pathologist could sense my confusion and immediately put my mind at ease stating that she would explain. To begin, Miss W folded a piece of a paper long ...
Road Trip Activity Book
UPDATE: The Road Trip Activity Workbook has been completely remodeled with new graphics and activities. I invite you to take a look! (See new image above) A few weeks ago, I began a blog series on Family Vacations and Road Trips. I shared tips and tools to help you decide where to visit on your family vacation, how long to stay, and I ...
Letting Go of the Illusions of Marriage
I recently ran across a quote by psychologist Georgia Shaffer that made me stop and think. In our relationships, we often hold tightly to the illusion that if we say this or do that, our spouse will suddenly wake, see the error of their ways and change. What usually happens, however, is we end up disappointed, frustrated, and even ...
Are You Choosing the One Thing?
During prayer time, my husband shared with our Community Group (Bible study) that I have several irons in the fire. One of these irons being the complete and professional remodel of the ABC Jesus Loves Me website. Right now everything is building and at some point soon, the irons will have to be pulled from the fire. Not necessarily anyone's ...
Family Vacation 101: Meal Calendar and Food Packing List
Thus far I have shared tips and tools to help you decide where to visit on your family vacation, how long to stay, and I've provided a packing list. And our favorite Road Trip Snack Mix. (Click to read the first post in our Family Vacation series.) Today's blog will focus on food. While we ate at fast-food restaurants during travels, we saved ...