Several months ago we began planning a dream family vacation to Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, and the Grand Canyon. Some of God's most beautiful creation...or so I have heard. While I am super excited to start this vacation, there is a great deal of anxiety as this vacation involves a lot of travel and hotel time. For Little Man, ...
Are Constant Interruptions Frustrating You?
How many times has this happened? You fill the sink full of hot soapy water and dirty dishes. You get four dishes cleaned, rinsed, and placed in the drainer only to hear, "MOOOOMMMMM!" You step away to take care of the issue. After multiple interruptions you remember the original task at hand - the dishes. Entering the kitchen you drain the cold, ...
Best Parenting Advice from Experienced Parents
Am I doing enough to train my children to be responsible adults? Do you have questions like this keeping you up at night, too? Parenting is hard, confusing, and humbling. Which battles do I fight? Which do I let go? A few weeks ago, I headed to Facebook to talk to parents who have gone through the trenches and lived to tell ...
How Much Media Use is the Right Amount?
A few days ago a question was asked on the ABCJLM Facebook Group about the amount of media use allowed each day. Great question. It was interesting to read the range of answers... from no media use to no limits. Risk of Media Use The research is unanimous. It doesn't matter if it is educational or is media. Use of and watching media ...
How to Accomplish Your Goals
According to only 8% of people achieve their New Years Resolution Goals. This statistic makes my heart sink because as I have shared in our current blog series, I have some goals and I desire to see them to fruition. And I know that you do too! So how can we take our goals - whether about our health, finances, time ...
New Year, New You: Being Intentional
We've covered goals for: Health √Feeling My Best √Daily Quiet Time √ Last resolution for 2017...Be Intentional. In praying about my resolutions, I realized that one of the reasons why I am not as intentional with my family as I could be is due to my lack of planning and too much unfocused time. Sometime I get a little ADHD and bounce ...
New Year, New You: Taking Care of Your Soul
So far we have discussed the importance of taking care of ourselves - both in health and how we dress. I hope that you are gleaning ideas to make 2017 an amazing year. But do you notice the focus for the last two weeks has only been on outward appearance? I am reminded that no matter how much I weigh, what my muscle mass is, or what I wear, ...
New Year, New You: Feeling Your Best {Exclusive Discount}
Happy New Year! If you read last week's post, you know we are knee-deep in our new blog series New Year, New You. Last week I shared my journey to Take Care of Me so that I can pour into others. I explained how I am working with a nutritionist to eat healthy, stay hydrated, and exercise. And I love having so many of you join me on this journey! ...
New Year, New You: Taking Care of You {Giveaway}
And like's done. We've closed the book on another calendar year. While I love the holidays and time they allot with family, the thought of a new calendar thrills my soul. A blank slate to make plans and resolutions. 12 months, 365 days to make new memories. A new year also means a do-over on the mistakes I made in 2016. The areas in ...
Journaling through Your Quiet Time {Giveaway}
Hang around me for a bit and you will hear me share how important my daily Quiet Time is. How God brought me to my knees to the point that I didn't have a choice but to admit my daily need of Him. I share my redemptive story in my free eBook A Quiet Time, Worth the Time. Also included in the eBook is a plan that I use during my devo time; a ...