ABC Jesus Loves Me A precious Mom emailed me about using the ABCJLM curriculum with a toddler. Here was my response. Little Man is a toddler. He participates in "school time" during the Bible story, song time, memory verse and the other fun activities that are appropriate for his age. For example in the 3 Year Curriculum Week 1 - ...
Week 21
If you are following the calendar, this is the 3rd Week of January and Week #21 on the ABCJLM curriculum. Click for the 3 Year Curriculum and for the 4 Year Curriculum The 3 Year Curriculum will be studying the Wise and the Foolish Man. This is a fun story to study and a great song to sing along! Also, they will be ...
Site: Resources for Christian Teachers
Resources for Christian TeachersMs. Audrey emailed me in November asking to exchange links. I am very picky about what items I promote on my website. If I wouldn't use them, purchase them, or listen to them - I don't suggest them. But I welcome and look at every request to determine if I am interested.I felt like I had hit the motherlood when I ...
Magazine: Clubhouse Jr.
Clubhouse Jr. Magazine My mom purchased Clubhouse Jr for the kids a few months ago. Published by Focus On The Family, this magazine has been around since I was a child. For ages 3-7, my kiddos fall right into this category. I have to say that the first two issues we received were disappointing. A lot of the magazine ...
How Will We Get to the Beach?
How Will We Get to the Beach? is a fun book that we found out the library not to long ago. Written by Brigitte Luciani, the book is described as a "guessing-game story". I would rather consider this book an evaluating and thinking book. Roxanne decided that she is going to go to the beach. She wants to take five things with her. She runs into ...
Number Rhyme
I absolutely love the Number Rhymes on the ABCJLM website. This is one of the many suggestions available on the website to help you teach numbers and letters to your child or students.As Bubs writes his numbers, we say the sayings to help him correctly form each number. The number "five" is one that can be written two different ways - top first or ...
365 Activities
I am making a list of 365 Activities to do with Preschools - using only things that most people would have on hand. Share a new idea and I will link it to your blog! ...
Game Review: 1, 2, 3 Stomp
Our son received the game 1-2-3 Stomp! for Christmas. From the first round, we were hooked. I love all of the educational learning with colors, numbers, addition and subtraction. Another great plus is the fine motor skill of putting the numbers into place along with the gross motor skill of stomping and running to get the numbers. To ...
FAQ: Beginning ABCJLM Mid-Year
ABC Jesus Loves Me One of the most frequently asked questions that I receive is the one about starting the ABCJLM curriculum in the middle of the year. I wanted to cover this topic as I know several people are looking for a preschool curriculum to begin in January. All four of the ABCJLM curriculum are created to be flexible. Although they are ...
Review: The Sweet By and By
The Sweet By and By Be sure to head over to our sister site - Interrupted Expectations to read a review of this great book. ...