For the next several months, I will be sharing truths from the scriptures. Promises from God taken from specific verses. I encourage you to write each promise on a note card. Keep these promises together to read on those days that the enemy is hitting you with lies. Declare the truth! Begin here... I have the mind of ...
A Thought To Ponder Today
Pin It I heard this quote on a Focus on the Family broadcast a while back and I apologize that I don't remember who said it. But it was so thought provoking that I want to share it with you. Think about what you say to your child and then imagine a stranger or your sister-in-law saying it to your child. Changing the words, think of it ...
Accomplishment #382
Pin It Okay, I don't really know what number of accomplishment this is. The enemy wants me to think that we have only seen a few accomplishments in parenting but when I step back and really look at what God has done, I know the number is much higher. Today, I ask you to celebrate with me on this particular accomplishment. While it ...
We Have A Choice
source Pin It A sweet friend replied to my text with these words of wisdom. We have a choice. We can either try to feast on crumbs in the dark corner or come out into His light and have a seat at the feast by abandoning ourselves and trusting HIM!!! Crumbs or a feast. Darkness or light. Us or Him. It is our daily ...
First Trip to the Dentist
source Pin It A repost from four years ago (March 2009). Bubs has been to the dentist three times. The experiences were: okay, horrible, amazing. In that order. The first time we went to a family dentist and Bubs had what they call a "Happy Visit." The hygienist showed Bubs the chair and instruments but nothing was ...
Do You Like Raw Eggs?
Pin It Sometimes I wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God do this to me?" In my own little pity party, I get frustrated with my failed expectations. I mean, in my mind I have the picture of a perfect Christian family. I imagine children who laugh and play together. I think about a family who sits at the dinner table ...
Are You Unglued?
Pin It This is going to be an unusual review because I am going to tell you to right now to click on the below link and put this book in your cart. You will thank me! Unglued Devotional: 60 Days of Imperfect Progress by Lisa Terkeurst is an incredible book and you will be blessed and encouraged. And because this is an unusual ...
Ways to Serve Parents of Children with Special Needs
source I wanted to repost this information because it contains wonderful ideas for helping parents who have a child with special needs. Throughout life's challenges, we have had people tell us "give me a call if you need help." I have learned that people either say that to make themselves feel better or they say it because they really ...
What Will Your One Thing Be?
Pin It Ever feel beaten up after spending time in the Word? Ever feel like there is so much sin in your life that you simply want to run away from it all because you don't know where to start? Add in the guilt and condemnation that the enemy adds to our lives and it can be enough for us to want to hide in the closet and never come out! At ...
What God Declares about Me #5
For the next several months, I will be sharing truths from the scriptures. Promises from God taken from specific verses. I encourage you to write each promise on a note card. Keep these promises together to read on those days that the enemy is hitting you with lies. Declare the truth! Begin here... I have ...