James 1:19 - “Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.” I have heard and pondered this verse many times. But Julie Ann Barnhill brought up an interesting point concerning this verse in her book She's Gonna Blow!. In it she says, “When you begin putting this verse into practice, you will stop listening just so ...
Pin It This is an upcycled post. While Bubs was only 5 years old than when this was first posted, he still deals with coping issues. I received a sweet email from a mom a few days ago desperate for support with her son who has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Her letter cried out as she struggles to deal with the stares from people ...
What to Do When the Obvious is Not Obvious
source Pin It Daddy is an avid biker. Fifty miles is considered a moderate ride. One hundred hilly miles are exhilarating. (A sickness, I believe!) His averages speed is faster than I like to coast. (I'm serious!) And because biking is such a huge part of our lives, we enjoy family bike rides. With Peanut in ...
What God Declares about Me #4
For the next several months, I will be sharing truths from the scriptures. Promises from God taken from specific verses. I encourage you to write each promise on a note card. Keep these promises together to read on those days that the enemy is hitting you with lies. Declare the truth! Begin here... God will be ...
Review: God Gave Us Easter
Pin It God Gave Us Easter is the newest member of the God Gave Us series by Lisa Tawn Bergren. You may remember reviews that I have done on this blog of other books in this series: God Gave Us Christmas, God Gave Us the World, God Gave Us So Much, and God Gave Us Love. I have encouraged you to add some of the books in ...
Something to Ponder
source It has been quite a week. As many of you know, the ABC Jesus Loves Me website was down intermittently for a few days. While it is up currently, there is a lot of work that needs to be done to fix the problem. Secondly, Bubs has an important doctor's appointment this week at the Children's Hospital with the neurologist. Since ...
Craft: Tissue Paper Easter Eggs
Easter is quickly approaching and so I wanted to make some new crafts. Tissue paper is easily assessable and makes really cute Easter eggs! (as well as other crafts) The Easter eggs pictured above used two different processes. One with glue and one with vinegar. Supplies: Vinegar or water downed glue Paint Brush Small ...
What God Declare About Me #3
For the next several months, I will be sharing truths from the scriptures. Promises from God taken from specific verses. I encourage you to write each promise on a note card. Keep these promises together to read on those days that the enemy is hitting you with lies. Declare the truth! Begin here... I have boldness and ...
Review: Books for Your Coffee Table
Pin It Be the Sunshine: Share the Light and Spread the Joy Nine short stories fill this women's gift book. Sun, sunshine, and shining are the focus of each. The stories are personal from the author, Angela Thomas's life. I enjoyed reading these little nuggets of encouragement and reminders of who I am and what God desires me ...
Praying for Your Husband
We all know the importance of praying for our husbands. But sometimes even the smallest things can seem difficult. Here is an idea from Your Husband Your Friend praying Colossians 1:9-12. "For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of ...