Pin It I am a little behind in book reviews, so I thought I would share several together. You way want to add some of these to your cart as Christmas presents! I always enjoy looking at Preschool Bibles. The illustrations are typically full of life and the stories drive home a point. The Preschooler's Bible is the newest ...
Thanksgiving Traditions: The Power of Gratitude
Our pastor shared this quote at a Thanksgiving service. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for ...
17 Tips to Prepare Your Child for Holiday Gatherings
Having sensory sensitive, ADHD children has taught me to prepare for every scenario; at least every scenario that I can possibly conceive. Though Bubs is doing so much better about handling the environment around him, there is still need for us to prepare him for new and different situations. And Little Man continues to struggle staying ...
Thanksgiving Traditions: Gratitude Rolls
See this updated post here - Glean more Thanksgiving ideas in our blog series - Thanksgiving Traditions throughout this month - and on the ABCJLM website page - Thanksgiving Ideas. Be sure to "Follow" our blog (in the right-hand column) so you don't miss any great ideas! ...
Thanksgiving Traditions: Tablecloth of Thanks
For some time I have been pondering how to create a "Blessings" monument much like Noah (Genesis 8:20) and other men did in the Old Testament. A way to remember the blessings God has provided our family along the way. I think I have found it. The Tablecloth of Thanks is another Thanksgiving idea that I found scattered ...
Thanksgiving Traditions: 8 Fun Thanksgiving Treats from Pinterest
Have you seen all of the fun Thanksgiving treats on Pinterest? Super cute and several are easy to make. I wanted to combine these ideas and provide you with links to the directions. Thanksgiving Teepee Cupcakes Using a cake mix, sugar cones, pretzels, melted chocolate, and sprinkles, you too can create these adorable teepees. This idea ...
Thanksgiving Traditions: Turkey of Thanks
Pin It Aren't these turkeys cute? I found a picture for Toilet Paper Roll Turkeys on Pinterest from While using the basic design, the kids and I made them our own using paint and a brad. Academically we focused on mixing colors and Biblically we discussed being thankful. ...
Thanksgiving Traditions: A Piligrims and Indian Play
Pin It While the holidays are filled with anticipation and fun, there is so much more than food, football, and parades to each of them. In our blog series, Thanksgiving Traditions, I am sharing ideas of my own and from the ABCJLM family that will help you leave a legacy while keeping Jesus the focus of the holiday season. While many fun and ...
Another Diagnosis Added to Our Plate: The Latest
Pin It Earlier this week, I began a blog series called "Another Diagnosis Added to Our Plate" which shares the story of our eight-year-old son, Bubs. I encourage you to begin with Tuesday's post. The combination of Bubs, Little Man, and life began to eat away at my energy, emotions, and spiritual state. I was beyond ...
Another Diagnosis Added to Our Plate: How Many More?
Pin It Yesterday, I began sharing Our Story of diagnoses and therapy. If you missed yesterday's post, I encourage you to read it first to understand the full story. Kindergarten was a big change. First, I drove into town at least once a day and Bubs was not at home seven hours out of the day. I was amazed at how the breaks each day allowed me ...