Right now, click on this link and place this book in your Amazon shopping cart. Trust me. I am so confident that I can say if you don't already own the book Praying the Scriptures for Your Children, purchase it right now. It will rock your prayer life and in turn change the life of the child whom you will pray ...
Giveaway & Review: Snapfashion Jewelry
Sweet Pea was so excited after doing this activity with Mommy that she immediately wanted to Skype Grams and show her. She was so disappointed when Grams wasn't home. Then that night before going to bed, she asked if she could make the buttons "all day tomorrow." Snap Fashion Jewelry Studio Kit is a jewelry button maker. The ...
Review & Giveaway: What’s in the Bible DVD #5 – Israel Gets a King
The popcorn was popped. Anticipation mountaining. The couch filled with two anxious adults and four excited children. It was finally time to watch the video. Would it be an instant hit or a disappointing letdown? Israel Gets a King! is the fifth video in the "What's in the Bible?" series. The now famous puppets - ...
May: Making Memories
Several months ago I mentioned that my mom gave me a 1993 issue of Shining Star magazine. Included in this issue is an excerpt from Jody Capehart's book - Cherishing and Challenging Your Children. The article called "Making Meaningful Memories", contains practical tips to create family traditions and memories throughout the year. ...
Learning the Books of the Bible
A few months ago, I felt compelled to add the New Testament Books of the Bible to the 4 Year ABCJLM curriculum. This lead to working on them with our own kiddos. I started working on them at meal time but found that I was forgetting in the mist of serving second helpings and cleaning up sticky fingers. So, I moved this ...
Survey: Posts
I am learning so much through the ABCJLM survey! For those of you who have taken the time to answer the 12 questions, thank you! And if you have not, would you please take a moment to fill it out? One of the questions on the survey is what you would like to see more of on this blog. I would have never guessed what 68% of ...
66 Clouds – Bible in Word Clouds
In February I introduced you to 66 Clouds - Bible-in-Word Clouds. I am still amazed by the power of the Word of God represented in these posters. I was recently in contact with the owner of this site. He let me know that an updated and expanded version of the Sixty-Six Clouds Book is now available. Also, the website has ...
Giveaway Winner: Boysterous Action Figures
And the randomly, computer selected winner of a Boysterous Boy Action Figure is: ChristinPlease email me your address before Friday night at midnight so that I can get you a new toy! Congrats! Didn't win this time??? Two new giveaways will be announced soon! Just to wet your appetite, one is a book and the ...
Review: Brave Young Knight
As soon as a Karen Kingsbury book comes out, I try to get my hands on it. Her newest novel, Leaving (Bailey Flanigan Series), is in the mail as I type this review! Stay tuned for a review of this book soon - though I promise not to be a spoiler. I knew that Karen Kingsbury has written some children's books but I hadn't read ...
How Do You Start Your Morning? Part #2
Yesterday I shared with you points that I am learning from Beth Moore concerning having a victorious day. And to have a victorious day, my day must start with quality time at the feet of my Savior. Specific activities were given to make sure my heart and mind are filled with the Holy Spirit and the power and glory of God each ...