I have been so convicted about memorizing scripture. Psalms 119:11 says, "Thy Word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you." Want to stay away from sin? Memorize scripture! After hearing from so many of you, I see that you also desire to do this but haven't had the motivation to move forward. So, I have added a ...
How Old for Sitdown Time?
An ABCJLM user posted this question on my Facebook page: How old should my kids be before I really start doing ''school time'?" What a great question! A good teacher knows that if one person has this question, probably others do to! :-) While creating the ABC Jesus Loves Me preschool curriculum, I tried to make as much of the ...
What’s in a Name?: Our Out-of-Sync Life
Although I don't understand 95% of Shakespeare, I do remember a few lines from his famous plays. Here is a line said by Juliet in the play Romeo and Juliet: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." While I see both sides of this concept, I believe that it is very important when naming ...
Memorizing Scripture – For an Adult – Yet Another App
You guys are great. Here is yet another app for memorizing scripture! For iPhone or Android, check out the Fighter Verses app. It's amazing. It has tons of verses and features like quizzes, audio, songs, blog commentary, topics for each verse, and more. You can even set the verse to display on the phone's lock screen! Thank you, John, for ...
Review: Be the Parent: Seven Choices You Can Make to Raise Great Kids
When I started this blog, I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to review great products. While I take this responsibility very seriously, I love working with companies to make you aware of items available. I have learned about amazing authors, toys, and products that I didn't know even exsisted. Hopely you ...
Our Out-of-Sync Life Survey Results
Here are the survey results for the Our Out-of-Sync Life questions... How would you rate the Our Out-of-Sync Life blog? Amazing, so helpful45% Average Mom Blog34% Could Use Some Work3% Pointless, not helpful to me3% There is an Our Out-of-Sync Life blog???14% What would you like to see more of on the Our Out-of-Sync Life ...
ABCJLM Survey Results
The survey is tallied. Thank you so much to those who took the time to fill it out! Here are the results... How would you rate the ABCJLM website overall? 1 - Worst 0% 20% 33% 445% 5 - Best 52% How would you rate the ABCJLM Preschool Curriculum overall? 1 - ...
Happy Mother’s Day
Memorizing Scripture – For an Adult – Another App
A few days ago, I introduced you to a cool web program called IMemorize.org along with a sister app that is available to help with Bible memorization. Peter left this comment about another app available! For Android phones there is the free app Remember Me by Memorize with System. You can download your favorite verses ...
Review: No Work Spanish
Two years of high school Spanish taught me very little. Working with students of limited English taught me a lot - it would be very helpful to know Spanish! When the review came up for "No-Work Spanish," I was curious. No-Work Spanish audiobooks are stories read with each sentence said first in English, then in Spanish. At the ...