Here is a recipe that is easy, quick and requires six basic ingredients. Brown hamburger. Mix together browned ground beef, onion, brown sugar and barbecue sauce. Press a tenderflake biscuit into each muffin cup. Fill each cup with mixture. Top with sharp cheddar cheese. Bake 10-12 minutes in 400 degree oven. ...
Review: Seeds Family Worship – The Power of Encouragement
I can not say enough good about this CD!!! Love. Love. LOVE! My children can not say enough good about this CD!!! Fav-or-ite! Power of Encouragement is the fifth and newest CD by the Seeds Family Worship. Once again, they have done an amazing job creating the CD. The moment that I received this, I ...
Review & Giveaway: Boysterous Action Figures
Boy were my boys excited to see my newest review product! Action figures and play zone just for them! I was excited because it is so hard to find quality, wholesome toys for boys that you can easily take with you. Both Goalie Gavin and Slope Shreddin Sean are 9" tall action ...
Drive Through Conflict Resolution
A few days again Sweet Pea and Bubs were going at each other. Neither one were listen to the other. Watching this war, my mind jumped forward twenty years. I saw each of my kiddos with his/her spouse. Frankly - it frightened me. How I "disagree" with my husband... Oh, who am I kidding... How I argue with my ...
Review: Kids’ Train Ket Set 2 & 3
In February I introduced you to Kids' Express Train KET sets. KET stands for Kid's Express Train. These sets of CD's help children with speech and language. Today, I am going to specifically cover KET Sets 2 and 3. Each set contains two music CDs of at least 24 songs, a 12 page manual, and CD-Rom that contains 100's of pictures in color and black ...
Not Ashamed
We have been studying Hebrews 11 at church for the past few weeks. If you recognize that reference, this is sometimes called the "Faith Chapter" because several of the verses start with the words, "by faith." A few weeks ago, the pastor focused on verse sixteen: Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. ...
Review: Who is God?
Who is God? Quite a question. But as our children get older, I find the questions are getting tougher. Who Is God?: A Story of Wonder and Love for Kids puts these questions into story form about two children who visit their grandpa at the farm. Situations arise the cause Adam and Annie to ask some big ...
What’s in the Bible Street Team
A few weeks ago, I received an invitation to apply to be part of the new "What's in the Bible Street Team." I felt like it would be a long shot but I gave it a whirl anyway. I am excited to announce that ABC Jesus Loves Me was chosen to be part of this team!!!You maybe already know this because you heard me shout with joy a few days ago. I am ...
April: Making Memories
Several months ago I mentioned that my mom gave me a 1993 issue of Shining Star magazine. Included in this issue is an excerpt from Jody Capehart's book - Cherishing and Challenging Your Children. The article called "Making Meaningful Memories", contains practical tips to create family traditions and memories throughout the year. ...
Review: The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes
Even though we grew up states apart, my husband and I grew up with the same children's devotional. Both of our families used the The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes book. I know of other families who used this devotional as well. The author, Kenneth Taylor, founded Tynale House Publishing and was ...