Pin It For my quiet times, I am reading through I Peter. Reading short passages at a time, I begin each reading by asking the Holy Spirit to point out a key verse. A verse that focuses on an area of my life that contains sin or for an area that I need encouragement or direction. Today, I began ...
Search Results for: sensory
Review: Precious Princess Bible Doodle Book
Pin It My daughter keeps asking me if I have finished this review so that she can have this book to herself. That is how excited she is to add this book to her bedside table. And, seat in the car as this book will travel with her a lot. And, on the couch while she has quiet time. Precious Princess Bible Doodle Book is…well, ...
Potty Training Made Easier: Specific FAPTQ
You have asked such great questions! To end our "Potty Training Made Easier" series, I am going to share some specific questions that have been asked on Facebook and on the comments from this blog. #1 - I've been trying and trying with my daughter. She gets all excited when we start with stickers, treats, and reward charts then when ...
Giveaway Winners: Mistakes for Winnings
Pin It And the randomly selected winner of the "Mistakes for Winnings" Giveaway is: Nystral - Choice of 2 ABCJLM Books And the winner for finding the most errors: Rachel - Handwriting Workbook Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Saturday night (June 22nd) at midnight so that I can ...
Bible Verses for Tired Mommies
Pin It What a June! We have packed in more appointments, therapy sessions, and lessons into these two weeks than anyone should in six months. Add in a week long business trip for Daddy and the combined has taken a toll on this momma. As I sit here thinking through all of this, I realize that my heart desires to crawl into ...
Mistakes for Winnings
source Pin It I have heard nothing but joy and excitement for the brand new ABC Jesus Loves Me website. To know that what we have done has blessed you does my heart good! To celebrate the new website, we are going to offer the largest giveaway yet and you get a choice in the winnings! How cool is that? This giveaway is ...
One Thing that We Have Done Right
Pin It In my attempt to be real with you, I feel like I share a lot of yuck. The many areas in my life that I struggle with anxiety, anger, bitterness, frustration, and overall lack of self-control. I peel off the mask and show how God is working in my life. Today, I am going to share with you the complete opposite. Now, ...
Alarm Clock – Friend or Foe?
Pin It Storms were coming. Another night of tornadic activity? I didn't know. But, since I was husbandless for the night, I didn't want to sleep through something major and put my kiddos in harms way. (I am notorious for sleeping through storms!) Needless to say, the night was not very restful. And since I was going ...
Have You Seen It?
Pin It It's a pretty big change. The logo, the look, the navigation. All new and improved! And your response has been wonderful. As I promised, the website has had a complete makeover. You will notice that all of the side menus have been moved to the top and the curriculum links have been ...
Happy Memorial Day!
source Pin It If you are in the United States, today is Memorial Day. A time for us to remember that "all gave some and some gave all." Enjoy the day with your family and friends! ...