Pin It Thank you to everyone who entered our drawing to celebrate the 5th birthday of ABCJesusLovesMe! And the winner of the partial Handwriting Workbook is.... Heather Gonzales Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Sunday night (May 5th) at midnight so that I can get the book mailed to you! Congrats! ...
Search Results for: sensory
What God Is Not Ask of Me Today
source Pin It A Facebook friend shared a link to a blog post called, "What God Didn't Call You To." As I read through the list, I was deeply moved. The Holy Spirit used this post on "300 Words a Day" to show me the expectations that I put on myself. Expectations that are not from God! For my devotional time this ...
What is Your Reaction to the Roaring River?
Pin It Use your imagination with me for a few moments. I am standing in the middle of a river. The river is filled with rocks, rapids, and sharp turns. As the water rushes around me, what am I going to do? Here are a few options. Try to hold back the water. With all my ability try to get the water ...
Giveaway: It’s Your Birthday!
Pin It Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday ABCJLM family, Happy birthday to you! Yes, Happy Birthday - to you! Since you are part of the ABCJLM family, you can celebrate because ABCJesusLovesMe is 5 years old today! It is crazy to think that just five years ago today ABCJesusLovesMe was introduced to the ...
What’s Goin’ On?
Pin It It's true. I've been pretty quiet on the front end lately. And for that I apologize. But, I have to say that I am working really hard on the back end. Have you heard all of the exciting activities that are going on? Let me take a moment to fill you in!For the last month, we have been creating a brand new ...
This is Not Normal
Pin It This is one of the very first posts that I made to this blog, over four years ago. Bubs was just 4 1/2 years old at the time (January 2009). So much has occurred since this post but the reality is that Sensory Processing Disorder still affects us. I pray that our story will lead you to answers and encourage you on your journey. We ...
A Thought To Ponder Today
Pin It I heard this quote on a Focus on the Family broadcast a while back and I apologize that I don't remember who said it. But it was so thought provoking that I want to share it with you. Think about what you say to your child and then imagine a stranger or your sister-in-law saying it to your child. Changing the words, think of it ...
Accomplishment #382
Pin It Okay, I don't really know what number of accomplishment this is. The enemy wants me to think that we have only seen a few accomplishments in parenting but when I step back and really look at what God has done, I know the number is much higher. Today, I ask you to celebrate with me on this particular accomplishment. While it ...
We Have A Choice
source Pin It A sweet friend replied to my text with these words of wisdom. We have a choice. We can either try to feast on crumbs in the dark corner or come out into His light and have a seat at the feast by abandoning ourselves and trusting HIM!!! Crumbs or a feast. Darkness or light. Us or Him. It is our daily ...
First Trip to the Dentist
source Pin It A repost from four years ago (March 2009). Bubs has been to the dentist three times. The experiences were: okay, horrible, amazing. In that order. The first time we went to a family dentist and Bubs had what they call a "Happy Visit." The hygienist showed Bubs the chair and instruments but nothing was ...