I know this isn't a normal blog post day, but I just have to share! ABCJLM just received a review from Cathy Duffy. If you are unfamiliar with Ms. Duffy, she is one of the best known and respected voices in curriculum. And she just gave ABCJLM a glowing review! "ABC Jesus Loves Me is a truly comprehensive curriculum. It should satisfy those who ...
Creating a Preschool Notebook
Wondering what to do with your little one's art and writing masterpieces? Check out this idea from 2013. With four littles in our house, our refrigerator is not big enough to hold all of the artwork and handwriting papers. I needed someway to showcase and organize the learning our children were doing during preschool time. The ...
Please Don’t Overprepare
Every summer a range of emotions hit the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group. Excitement. Anxiety. Being overwhelmed. Relief. New members to the ABCJLM family are easily influenced by the various posts in the group. Thus, every June, July, and August I post the same reminders to help encourage all ABCJLM users steady the emotions that ...
Finish Strong.
A few weeks ago, Holly asked on the ABCJLM Facebook group what everyone's plans were for this summer since the ABCJLM Curriculum is only 36 weeks long. In conversation I learned that she has never missed a week of doing the curriculum with her son. I was amazed. I wrote the curriculum and there are weeks that it just doesn't ...
The ABCJLM 1 Year Curriculum is Now Available
Just in case you haven't heard, the 1 Year Curriculum is now available to view and order, and for churches, preschool, and other businesses to purchase Licenses. The excitement thus far has been amazing! Here are just two of the fun comments that have been posted on Facebook: Soooooooooooo excited!!!!! Love, love, love it ...
What is Planned for 2016?
Happy New Year! I pray that your new year is off to a great start. Last week, I shared how I want to reFocus my own life in 2016 and today I want to share what I have planned for the ABC Jesus Loves Me website and this blog. 1. Teaching I have loved your feedback on the weekly Periscope Broadcasts/YouTube videos. You enjoy ...
How I am Connecting with You through Live Periscope Broadcasts: The What, When, Where, Why, and How
For the past year, I have been praying about ways to engage with you on a personal level. While several options have shown potential, nothing has grabbed my attention enough to take the dive. Last week I was introduced to a new free app that I think will provide us with the avenue I have prayed for. Last week approximately 65 of you ...
Can the 5 Year Curriculum be Used for Kindergarten?
We have received so many questions about using the ABC Jesus Loves Me 5 Year Curriculum as a kindergarten curriculum. So, I asked Alisha and Lisa to share there experiences. From Alisha: As the new school year approaches, many people have been asking whether or not it is a good idea to use the ABCJLM 5 Year Curriculum as a kindergarten ...
The Beginning Steps to Reading & a Fun Giveaway
image source - Permission to Use This is my last year with Peanut at home. {Insert a sad face and tears stinging my eyes.} Next year he will be following in the footsteps of his big brothers and sister and heading to school. While it makes me very sad, I am excited for him. To begin his last year of preschool I asked him what ...
How to Make File Folder Games
Before ABCJLM was even a thought in my mind, I created File Folder Games for Bubs. If you are not familiar with these, File Folder Games are inexpensive, easy to store activities that are great for teaching fundamental concepts to kiddos. The other day I pulled out some for Peanut and he really enjoyed them. I ...