A few days ago, LaToya posted the question: How did you get an understanding of SPD?? When Bubs was just 18 months old, I realized that the "fits" that we were dealing with were not normal. I talked to friends and family members but they didn't get it. They didn't understand the magnitude of these fits and really how helpless I was to ...
Day to Day
Character Building Books
When I began ABCJLM, I knew I wanted the focus for the 4 Year Curriculum to be character education and the Fruits of the Spirit. I searched the web high and low looking for supplemental materials. Quirky Momma (a wonderful blog that I just found) introduced me to a free website called My Young Child. I got really excited!! My ...
How Do I Explain, Part 3
Read Part 1 We are very prideful people. Seriously! We want everyone to believe that we are great moms who love and discipline our kids perfectly. If someone thinks differently, we are hurt on a personal level. A part of me wants to tell the whole world that Bubs has SPD. Then if he has a rough day, I won't look so ...
How Do I Explain, Part 2
Click to read Part 1 I do everything in my ability to prepare Bubs to have a successful day. Whether at home, at church, with friends, in a restaurant, wherever. If I know that his day is going to be filled with lots of excitement, he starts the day by jumping on the trampoline for 7 minutes. It is just like brushing his teeth for him. ...
Let it Snow! Story and Activity
Your Big Backyard continues to be one of our favorite magazines! As soon as possible, we park ourselves on the couch to read learn about animals, catch up with Bonnie the bluebird, Ricky the raccoon, and other animals. Once again, we weren't disappointed. The February 2010 edition features elephant seals. We also learned how ...
Now That’s Thinking…
At dinner time a few days ago Bubs told us his master plan of how he was going to purchase a new Wii game. He had played the new Mario Brothers game with his Uncle and Aunt and really liked it. (Actually Mommy and Daddy had fun too!) In detail, he explained how he was going to have all of these games laid out (kind of the carnival ...
A Must Have for Lunches
Foogo by Thermos Leak-Proof SS 10 oz Food Jar Our kiddos attend a Mother's Day Out program at our church once a week for 5 hours. This is the time that I plan my doctor appts, dentist, meetings, etc. It is a lifesaver for me plus I feel it is important for my kids to have a break from me. They are loved on by others while ...
Hand Shower
Ya know...it is the little things in life. For me it is a hand shower. I asked my husband why we didn't get this thing 5 years ago when Bubs was born! Seriously!! I LOVE to give the kids a shower. No more bending over! I know. Pretty sad. A few years ago while visiting our neighbors, Sweet Pea had ...
The Honeymoon is Over
Is your marriage not what you want it to be? Do you desire it to be better?Click over to our sister site: Interrupted Expectations and read my newest post. ...
Before You Start…
I received a phone call from a sweet friend. She was feeling the pressure to do a lot of "school" with her 4 1/2 year old. But, every time that she tries to sit down with her son, he stalls and complains about it. Instead of being a time of learning and fun, it becomes a long-drawn-out war. She believes that her son has the ability to read but he ...