Have you wondered where I have been? I understand. My computer time has been cut down drastically. I hope things will be leveling out soon. Confession #1 - We have not done "school" for three weeks. There. I said it. Because of a number of reasons (for another post), we haven't had the time or the energy. ...
Day to Day
Momma C’s Must Have
With a title like that, you may be wondering...caffeine? chocolate? girls' night out? Nope...a stop watch. Seriously! It might not be the most glamorous thing but unless I am going out, I wear a sports watch because of the stop watch component. I use it many different way - timeout being one. The next is to ...
Homemade Laundry Detergent
If this is your first visit to our blog, welcome! We hope that you will stay awhile and check out the rest of Our Out-of-Sync Life Blog as well as our Free Preschool Curriculum website - ABCJesusLovesMe.com. Thanks for stopping by! (Several UPDATES have been made to this post.) In all reality, I am not very "green." I don't get into ...
Dinner Time
Every once in a while, my husband will remind me what dinner time use to be like at our home. I don't think that I have forgotten, necessarily. I just think that I have blocked it out because it used to be horrid! A reader left this comment: Have any ideas for meals at the table? At 4 1/2 we still deal with many knocked over ...
How did you get an understanding of SPD??
A few days ago, LaToya posted the question: How did you get an understanding of SPD?? When Bubs was just 18 months old, I realized that the "fits" that we were dealing with were not normal. I talked to friends and family members but they didn't get it. They didn't understand the magnitude of these fits and really how helpless I was to ...
Character Building Books
When I began ABCJLM, I knew I wanted the focus for the 4 Year Curriculum to be character education and the Fruits of the Spirit. I searched the web high and low looking for supplemental materials. Quirky Momma (a wonderful blog that I just found) introduced me to a free website called My Young Child. I got really excited!! My ...
How Do I Explain, Part 3
Read Part 1 We are very prideful people. Seriously! We want everyone to believe that we are great moms who love and discipline our kids perfectly. If someone thinks differently, we are hurt on a personal level. A part of me wants to tell the whole world that Bubs has SPD. Then if he has a rough day, I won't look so ...
How Do I Explain, Part 2
Click to read Part 1 I do everything in my ability to prepare Bubs to have a successful day. Whether at home, at church, with friends, in a restaurant, wherever. If I know that his day is going to be filled with lots of excitement, he starts the day by jumping on the trampoline for 7 minutes. It is just like brushing his teeth for him. ...
Let it Snow! Story and Activity
Your Big Backyard continues to be one of our favorite magazines! As soon as possible, we park ourselves on the couch to read learn about animals, catch up with Bonnie the bluebird, Ricky the raccoon, and other animals. Once again, we weren't disappointed. The February 2010 edition features elephant seals. We also learned how ...
Now That’s Thinking…
At dinner time a few days ago Bubs told us his master plan of how he was going to purchase a new Wii game. He had played the new Mario Brothers game with his Uncle and Aunt and really liked it. (Actually Mommy and Daddy had fun too!) In detail, he explained how he was going to have all of these games laid out (kind of the carnival ...