Foogo by Thermos Leak-Proof SS 10 oz Food Jar Our kiddos attend a Mother's Day Out program at our church once a week for 5 hours. This is the time that I plan my doctor appts, dentist, meetings, etc. It is a lifesaver for me plus I feel it is important for my kids to have a break from me. They are loved on by others while ...
Day to Day
Hand Shower
Ya is the little things in life. For me it is a hand shower. I asked my husband why we didn't get this thing 5 years ago when Bubs was born! Seriously!! I LOVE to give the kids a shower. No more bending over! I know. Pretty sad. A few years ago while visiting our neighbors, Sweet Pea had ...
The Honeymoon is Over
Is your marriage not what you want it to be? Do you desire it to be better?Click over to our sister site: Interrupted Expectations and read my newest post. ...
Before You Start…
I received a phone call from a sweet friend. She was feeling the pressure to do a lot of "school" with her 4 1/2 year old. But, every time that she tries to sit down with her son, he stalls and complains about it. Instead of being a time of learning and fun, it becomes a long-drawn-out war. She believes that her son has the ability to read but he ...
Recycling Crayons
A Different Path
I have decided to take this website down a little different path than I intended. Originally, I planned for the blog to consist only of issues dealing with Sensory Processing Disorder. I feel lead to open the topic up a little more to include all of our children and the challenges that we face in raising them to be godly men and woman. In the ...
We have taken a dip south these past few days with Bubs. The fits have returned filled with anger, disrespect, and yelling. Bubs is making choices that he wouldn’t normally choose. Things that he would never do – on those good weeks – he is trying. So, we send him to his “space” to get control and think about his choices. Two things really ...
We have been in prayer for a baby who is in the same CVICU as Bubs was in. I read this family's blog and my heart just breaks for what they are going through. It reminds me of the emotional roller coaster that having a baby in the ICU takes you on. I have also learned that just because you are finally able to bring that precious baby home, doesn't ...
The Plans
Unless Bubs has a major setback, our OT is sure that Bubs will be finished with therapy in September - at the one year mark. She is thrilled with the progress that he has made. We will work at home with the ABC Jesus Loves Me curriculum to prepare him for Kindergarten. We are pretty excited!!! ...
Test Scores!!!
A little over a week ago I blogged about asking Bubs' OT to retest him since we have seen a lot of progress. She retested Bubs on Wednesday and called me this morning to tell me the scores from the Beery test.Visual Motor Integration - copy geometric figuresSept 2008 Scores - Raw Score 11, Percentile 55%, Age Equivalent 4 yrs. 3 monthsMay 2009 ...