We talk to our children about sharing, being kind, and taking turns. But how often do we talk to our children about sin and redemption? I recently received a heartwarming email from a listener who was encouraged by our Parenting to Impress podcast. She sought insights on discussing sin with her children without casting a shadow of doom and ...
Day to Day
5 Ways to Help Kids Who Have Big Emotions
I said to a friend, "I wasn't prepared for the big emotions of a preschool-aged girl. What are the teenage years going to be like?". I remember looking at Sweet Pea in her small, but mighty form wondering what I had done wrong! Praise God that with guidance and prayer she learned how to navigate the highs and lows of emotions instead of being ...
Advice We’ve Learned Along the Way
From the moment you find out you’re becoming a parent, everyone has a word of advice for you! When well-intentioned and from someone you trust, these words of wisdom have potential to shape and direct the course you take. But if you look to social media or Google for your advice, you’ll be overwhelmed with the results! So, how do we discern ...
How to Build a God-Centered Family
If you are reading this blog it is safe to bet that you desire to lead children in a way that will turn their hearts toward Christ. But in this poisonous culture and confusing world, is building a God-centered family even possible? Is there any hope for families to make their voices louder than the world's? How can parents fight back the issues ...
How to Engage Your Child in Meaningful Conversation
As mommas we spend much of our days talking to our kids. We tell them to come to the table, to clean up their toys, get dressed, and so on. There are so many opportunities throughout the day to communicate instructions. But what about conversations? Not the one-sided commands that we have to issue. I’m talking about the ...
What is Worship?
A few days ago, I started my quiet time needing God to show up in a big way. We are in a brutal parenting stretch, and I needed truth to get me through the new day. God led me to Isaiah 25:1. Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name,for in perfect faithfulness you have done ...
How to Work Yourself Out of a Job
I am going to come right out and say it. Raising and releasing spiritual leaders is what God calls parents to do. While there are millions of blogs, books, and podcasts on the raising portion, very little is shared on releasing. Maybe because it is the most gut-wrenching part of our jobs. From Dependent to Independent If you follow me ...
What are the Basic Skills of Learning?
Jenna asked a great question on the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group... What are the basic skills needed to learn? Are they letter recognition, sounds, etc? Preschool learning apps and TV programs lead us to believe that letters should be the focus of the child's preschool years. But there is so much more to foundational learning than letters! ...
Reaping a Harvest in Parenting
I am in “spring” mode planting my garden and the flowerpots around the house. I anxiously await the joy that will come from the yummy produce and gorgeous display of color. But preparing the soil, pulling weeds, and planting is hard work. The beginning of Psalm 126:5 echoes this sentiment, "Those who plant in tears..." RAISING SEEDS In ...
When It Doesn’t Go as Planned
I went to bed last night feeling embarrassed. Kind of like a fraud. Here I am, the creator of ABCJesusLovesMe, and yet not one Easter activity occurred in my house yesterday. Not one. How can I post all of these activities and yet not do them with my own children? Anyone else feel like they failed Easter? The Truth of Easter For ...