I wrote this blog post in February 2009. One of the first thoughts when my head hits the pillow is "Did I handle the day's parenting challenges wisely?". Did I discipline the best way? Did I give grace or mercy at the right time? Did I use each teachable moment that occurred? Friends joined us today for a playdate. ...
Is First-Time Obedience Important?
It was hot. She was tired from playing hard on the swing set and I understood why she wanted a drink. But her mom was calling her name and instead of stopping, Sarah kept walking toward the refreshing water. Call #1 - "Sarah." Call #2 - "Sarah."Sarah was on a mission and nothing was going to come between her and the ...
Stop the Lying!
A reader asked... Any good ideas for dealing with lying? That's a tough one. Lying is a common issue with most preschoolers. Some even believe it is an important part of their development. Here are several reasons why preschoolers lie according to this source at BabyCenter: • Forgetfulness. • Wishful thinking. • An active ...
When Your Child’s Behavior is an Embarrassment
I just received a call from my child's school. It was not a he's-doing-such-a-great-job call, but instead a he-made-a-very-poor-choice phone call. Everything inside of me wants to listen to the lies of the enemy. - You are a horrible mom. - You don't pay enough attention to him. - And you speak at conferences on the topic of parenting? - ...
What Makes a Good Consequence?
On Wednesdays, our newspaper prints a column by Dr. John Rosemond. While I don't agree with all of his parenting advice (especially when dealing with children who have disabilities), our overall parenting philosophies are very similar. High expectations for all children. Boundaries that prove the test of time. Unconditional love that has no ...
Have a Strong-Willed Child?
I am hearing a lot of frustration on the ABCJLM Facebook Group about having a strong-willed child. Can I just encourage you for a moment? While there are varying degrees, raising a strong-willed child means that your child is developing...growing...maturing. Showing their desire is part of the process of learning independence and checking to ...
Parenting: What to Do When What You Are Doing Isn’t Working
My heart is breaking. I am reading so many posts from mommas sharing frustrations in parenting. They feel like failures. They feel alone. They feel defeated. He ignores what I tell him to do. She is emotional, loud, and demands her own way. He is so strong willed and laughs when I discipline him. Parenting is hard. Blood, sweat, and tears ...
Tips to Have Successful Meals with Children
From a young age, my dream was to have the "Walton" family. The icon of the perfect American family shown on a popular TV series in the 1970's. I dreamed of fun family devotions. Going camping. Serving neighbors and those in need. I envisioned our family of six sitting down to meals while everyone talked about their day and laughed over the ...
Best Parenting Advice from Experienced Parents
Am I doing enough to train my children to be responsible adults? Do you have questions like this keeping you up at night, too? Parenting is hard, confusing, and humbling. Which battles do I fight? Which do I let go? A few weeks ago, I headed to Facebook to talk to parents who have gone through the trenches and lived to tell ...
What Gospel Parenting Looks Like {Giveaway}
Between personal readings and reviews, I have read a plethora of parenting books. So many that I rarely read new publications. Yet one grabbed my attention. And I am very thankful that I agreed to review it. Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family is the newest release by author and speaker Paul Tripp. Unlike ...