source Ever wonder why God created people? It's one of the questions that Little Man has asked. If you kiddos haven't, they probably will soon. And, it's a good question. I mean...If God is God, and I believe He is, why would He create people? He could create absolutely anything His heart desires, so why people? Monday's post ...
Want to Know Why?
source How many times in my life have I asked that exact question? Sometimes in a whisper. Sometimes with tears rolling down my cheeks. Sometimes in anger, screaming out to God...why? Why was my sister killed just three weeks before her high school graduation? Why did Bubs require open heart surgery at just six days ...
What is Faith?
source She might as well have inserted my name into the sentence. The sentence was that personal. Priscilla Shirer, in her book Discerning the Voice of God, hit my lack of faith on the head. Will I trust God to be God? Will I go to Him first believing He will lead me? I found this quote by author Phillip Yancey that I must ...
Are You Traveling the Parenting Road Alone?
image source In a perfect world, raising a child would encompass a godly husband and wife working together as a team. Sadly, I know this isn't always the case. My heart breaks for those of you who are carrying the burden of raising your children. For whatever reason - death, divorce, ...
Why I am Contemplating Deleting My Personal Facebook Account
You've read them. The Facebook or Twitter status updates that make you want to crawl under the computer desk and cease to exist. The posts that the enemy uses to point fingers at you with claims that you aren't enough. The posts where fellow moms rave about how much they love their children and want to spend every waking hour gazing ...
What If Jesus…
image credit Do you remember the texts that my husband shared with me from Monday's posts? What if all of God's promises are true? What if His mercies really are new every morning? What if He really knew you before you were born and has plans for you, plans to prosper and not to harm you? What if God... He sent this text to me in March ...
What If It’s True?
image credit I went home for Spring Break this year. By home, I mean, to my parents' because it will always be "home" to me. The kids needed a break from the mundane of life and of course we all wanted to spend time with my family. Honestly, I went with an ulterior motive. I had plans to meet up with a ...
Are You a Human Pinball?
See if you can relate: I am "in it" right now. I have two toddler boys and another 9-month old boy following hot on their heels. I was never a super-together mom, but having my third really threw me off kilter. After four years of no breaks between pregnancies and the newborn/night feeding stage I feel like I'm in a permanent state of exhaustion. ...
Do You Have a Reason to Live?
Do I have a reason to live? Sounds like a crazy question but if you are honest, this question has probably crossed your mind before. One of our pastors made the following comment: My reason for life today is to make famous the name of the Lord. Wow. God has each one of us on this earth to make known and glorify His ...
Guest Post: Back in Time?
credit A dear friend of mine wrote this wonderful post on her blog Yes, and So is My Heart a few years back. I encourage you to let her wisdom sink in. A few weeks ago, my sweet four year old, Ann, asked me something about what age I'd like to be once more. I thought about it and decided I wouldn't really like to be any other age as I ...