Zondervan has provided an opportunity for me to give away an Easter Book set! Three books for the toddler(s) in your life that will help them understand that Jesus is the reason for Easter. Divide for several children or combine for an Easter basket. Here are the three books! An Easter Gift for Me The Rhyme Bible Storybook ...
Winner: The Promise
Thank you to everyone who entered to win The Promise. The winner is.... Cherry Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Thursday night (December 12th) at midnight so that I can get the video mailed to you! Congrats! And if you didn't win, order The Promise from Amazon today to ...
A Christmas Animated Musical: The Promise
The Promise is one of the newest videos portraying the birth of Jesus. But unlike other options available, this video is a quality 3-D animated musical with Broadway quality singing. Based upon the Gospel of Luke, the characters tell the story of Christmas in both words and songs. My favorite part of The Promise is how the ...
Winner: The Sparkle Box
Thank you to everyone who entered to win The Sparkle Box. The winner is.... Anna at ateammamaof3 Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Saturday night (November 30th) at midnight so that I can get the book mailed to you! Congrats! And if you didn't win, order The Sparkle Box from Amazon ...
Giveaway Winner: 1 Girl Nation
Thank you to everyone who entered to win 1 Girl Nation. The winner is.... Kari Congrats! ...
Giveaway Winner: Can’t Wait Willow
Thank you to everyone who entered to win Can't Wait Willow. The winner is.... Homeschool on a Dime Mom Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Friday night (November 8th) at midnight so that I can get the book mailed to you! Congrats! ...
A Book with Character Education…and a Circus…and a Giveaway
Don't you love when other adults, movies, and books come along side you as a parent and reinforce what you are impressing upon your children? Even though parents are responsible for laying a foundation, when something or someone else says the same truths, leverage is brought to what you are teaching. The brand new ...
And the Winner is…
And the winner of the newest Rufus and Ryan book giveaway: Rufus and Ryan Go to Church! is: Rudolph Family Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Sunday night (October 13th) at midnight so that I can get the book mailed to you! Congrats! Thank you to all who entered to win. Be sure to ...
Giveaway: Rufus and Ryan Teach Your Child about Church
source Pin It Today begins a week long series on "Surviving Church with Children." Ideas to help you return to church, keep your children quiet during church, and how to worship with special needs children. I pray that you will glean practical ideas to help you not just survive church but truly be refreshed each week. As a mom ...
Giveaway Winners: Mistakes for Winnings
Pin It And the randomly selected winner of the "Mistakes for Winnings" Giveaway is: Nystral - Choice of 2 ABCJLM Books And the winner for finding the most errors: Rachel - Handwriting Workbook Please email me (webmaster (at) abcjesuslovesme (dot) com) your address before Saturday night (June 22nd) at midnight so that I can ...