Have you ever thought about the fact that Bible verses never change? Before thanking me for stating the obvious, hang with me. I mean the Bible verses that I read during quiet time are the same verses that I learned about as a child. One would think that once you learn the verse, that would be it. No reason to reread a ...
Focus on the Family: Surviving the Strong-Willed Child
We have three very strong-willed children with one more in question. They come by it honestly because their Momma is a very strong-willed adult! They are all strong-willed in different ways. They battle different things and in different ways. But each of them will fight to the end for what they believe ...
Just Keeping It Real…
Do you ever feel like you are constantly nine steps behind? Just when you think you are close to being caught up, you turn around and everything has been turned upside down. Do you ever feel like spiritually you are getting no where? Quiet times have been rejuvenating and you feel the Holy Spirit working but yet there is an iron ...
Review: Be the Parent: Seven Choices You Can Make to Raise Great Kids
When I started this blog, I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to review great products. While I take this responsibility very seriously, I love working with companies to make you aware of items available. I have learned about amazing authors, toys, and products that I didn't know even exsisted. Hopely you ...
Review: Praying the Scriptures for Your Children
Right now, click on this link and place this book in your Amazon shopping cart. Trust me. I am so confident that I can say if you don't already own the book Praying the Scriptures for Your Children, purchase it right now. It will rock your prayer life and in turn change the life of the child whom you will pray ...
How Do You Start Your Morning? Part #2
Yesterday I shared with you points that I am learning from Beth Moore concerning having a victorious day. And to have a victorious day, my day must start with quality time at the feet of my Savior. Specific activities were given to make sure my heart and mind are filled with the Holy Spirit and the power and glory of God each ...
How Do You Start Your Morning? Part 1
Let's be real here...I am a slow learner. Sometimes it takes a lot of falling down to make me realize that I really need to change my ways. So thankful that God doesn't parent like I do. He gives me grace. Picks me up and gives me a new day. For over half of my life...oh wait...I am older than I think. For ...
Memorizing Scripture – For an Adult
If I was to poll the ABCJLM family, I would guess that at least 95% of you would agree that memorizing scripture is very to extremely important. We all know we should be memorizing but probably few of us do. The "Learning Memory Verses" page on the ABC Jesus Loves Me website is devoted to helping you help a child ...
God Uses Pain for His Glory – A Personal Story
Yesterday I poured out my heart and tears in a blog about my personal grief. If you missed it, please go back and read it before finishing this blog because you have to understand the past to fully appreciate what I am about to tell you. In the past blog post, I mentioned that I called my precious friend and asked for prayer. She immediately ...
Confessions of a Grieving Girl
Eleven years. Can it really be that long ago that my life was severed in half? With. Without. While my heart fights to believe the truth, my head reminds me of the facts. Eleven years ago my eighteen-year-old sister's life ended. Wow...that is hard to type. Eleven years ago, my family and I began a journey of grief. Grief that ...