image source Pin It Have you ever really thought about this question? I mean sat down and truly pondered the answer? For most of us, our heads know that Jesus is God's son. Born as a baby. Died, buried, rose again. All true answers but sometimes answers that we quote back in rote memory like a preschooler in Sunday ...
Daily Time with God
Your Most Important Question Ever
source Pin It Today's post is short. But don't assume the shortness equates to lack of quality. Because, today I am going to ask the most important question of your and my lives. How is your relationship with God? I used to think that this question was based strictly on a yes or no answer. And it does begin there. Do ...
What is Your Idol?
This post contains affiliate links. Let’s be honest, when I think of an idol the first mental picture is of a statue. Maybe a golden calf as in the Old Testament or a modern day figurine. Author Tim Keller opened my eyes to a whole new understanding of “Thou shalt have no idols.” In his book Counterfeit Gods: The Empty ...
Do You Lie? I Do.
Pin It For my quiet times, I am reading through I Peter. Reading short passages at a time, I begin each reading by asking the Holy Spirit to point out a key verse. A verse that focuses on an area of my life that contains sin or for an area that I need encouragement or direction. Today, I began ...
Alarm Clock – Friend or Foe?
Pin It Storms were coming. Another night of tornadic activity? I didn't know. But, since I was husbandless for the night, I didn't want to sleep through something major and put my kiddos in harms way. (I am notorious for sleeping through storms!) Needless to say, the night was not very restful. And since I was going ...
We Have A Choice
source Pin It A sweet friend replied to my text with these words of wisdom. We have a choice. We can either try to feast on crumbs in the dark corner or come out into His light and have a seat at the feast by abandoning ourselves and trusting HIM!!! Crumbs or a feast. Darkness or light. Us or Him. It is our daily ...
Have You Joined SISTERS?
About a year ago, I created a Facebook group with the mission of supporting women in their spiritual journeys. With the introduction of our new ebook and a nudging of the Holy Spirit, I have decided to shake things up with a new name, a new description, and a new purpose. Keep reading to see how you can be part of our group too! Mommyhood is ...
A Quiet Time, Worth the Time
Yesterday I shared my New Years resolution. And I asked you to join me. I also shared that our new ebook is being released today and I am super excited to hear what you think. A few weeks ago, I asked for a few of you to give me your first thoughts. Within a few minutes, I received several offers. And the response has been amazing. Almost ...
What Will Your Resolution Be?
Pin It Before breakfast a few mornings ago, I was loving on my Kindergarten-aged Princess. As the only girl in our family with three boys, I was expressing to her my thankfulness for her servant heart and the help that she gives to her Mommy. On the flip side, we were discussing the attitude that she lets fly at random times and the need ...
Training Your Child to Sleep In
Most of us realize the importance of having a quality quiet time with God. But because the enemy knows that it will change our lives, he does his best to make it not happen. Shelley left this question on our blog: How did you go about training your children to stay in their room til you come get them? I have a almost 3yr old ...