credit It had been six months since we talked but she is the friend whom time has no boundary. We picked up right where we left off talking about the highs and lows of motherhood. But as in many of our conversations, the focus veered toward the topic of devotions. I asked if she was studying anything or using any ...
Daily Time with God
A Challenge of Change: Mistakes I Have Made
credit On Friday, I welcomed you to join my challenge. A 31-day challenge to rise each morning to prayer, Scripture, and journaling. I am thrilled so many of you have decided to join me in accountability. This week I want to share with you a few things that the Holy Spirit has shared with me concerning my own quiet ...
A 31-Day Challenge of Change: Do You Dare to See What Could Happen?
credit The new year is just a few days away. As a mom, it is a time to return our kiddos to routine and raise the expectations after lax time at grandparents'. As I think about the new year, I know that there are character areas that I want to focus on with our kiddos. Loving each other with words and ...
Christmas Devotional: Will You Join Me?
I realize that I am a few days late but better late than never! Right?While searching YouVersion for a devo, I was introduced to Good Morning Girls and the studies that they do. On Sunday a new study began called "Advent Study." Daily scripture to read, dissect, and personalize.Would you join me in this study?You can find the study for free on ...
Seven Major Blindspots of Homeschooling and Parenting
source Have you seen the newest article to go viral on Facebook? Which one, right? The article written by Reb Bradley sharing the seven major blindspots of homeschooling. Most of you know that we don't homeschool - for several reasons - but I was intrigued to read it since my cousin (who also doesn't homeschool) shared it. I am so glad ...
When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers
A few weeks ago I shared one of my favorite book series - Terri Blackstock's Restoration Series. Beyond the amazing storyline, the fourth book, Dawn’s Light, contains one of the best illustrations of grief that I have found. Please know that the excerpt below is a huge spoiler alert, so read with caution! Here is a little background ...
Do You Truly Know the Bible?
Pin It I grew up attending church every time the doors were open. I went to a Christian college and took Old and New Testament survey. We now attend a Bible church and I have been involved in numerous small group studies. I now have a deep desire for personal quiet time. You would think that I would truly know the ...
Are You a Hidden Woman?
source Pin It What is your prayer for yourself today? Honestly. Take a moment and answer this question. What is my prayer for myself today? Are you asking for wisdom? How about for strength? Are you begging God for forgiveness? Today my prayer is this... God, make me a hidden woman. By this I ...
Who is Jesus to You?
image source Pin It Have you ever really thought about this question? I mean sat down and truly pondered the answer? For most of us, our heads know that Jesus is God's son. Born as a baby. Died, buried, rose again. All true answers but sometimes answers that we quote back in rote memory like a preschooler in Sunday ...
Your Most Important Question Ever
source Pin It Today's post is short. But don't assume the shortness equates to lack of quality. Because, today I am going to ask the most important question of your and my lives. How is your relationship with God? I used to think that this question was based strictly on a yes or no answer. And it does begin there. Do ...