Pin It Friends, I have been under spiritual attack. Attack towards me as a wife, as a mother, and as the fingers behind ABCJLM. It has been mounting for a few weeks but it finally hit the top on Friday. Other than days in which I have been overcome with extreme grief, Friday was the worse non-grief day I have ever had. My attitude was ...
Daily Time with God
Creating A Prayer Journal that Works
This post has been updated - ...
Did I…?
As you think back over this week, pray through the following questions: Did I serve God with my whole heart? Did I honor Him with my time, my talents, and my treasures? Did I take the time to truly love others the way His Word ...
But My Children are Young, I Can’t Do What You Are Asking!
What I am about to tell you may ruffle your feathers. But hang with me on this one and see how you feel after reading the entire post. In the last few days, I have asked you to specifically set time daily aside for God and your husband. Those minutes that you guard because the person you are spending the time with is of great ...
Scheduling Success: How to Set a Schedule that You Can Be Proud Of
Yesterday I gave you a picture of my week in the form of what I do with the 168 hours that I have been given. I disclosed how many hours a week that I spend on work, cleaning, kiddos, husband, etc. The calculation revealed some areas of change that need to occur so that my schedule truly reflects what and whom I value. In today's post, ...
He is a Liar!
The enemy will do anything he can to drive a wedge between you and the Word of God. He knows that if Christians get in the habit of studying the Bible on a daily basis, they will never be the same! They'll find power over their flesh and over his lies. They'll have power to live as Christ's disciples, and they'll discover God's ...
Have You Been with Jesus?
Jesus' disciples, Peter and John, were teaching the people. The priests and captain of the guard were greatly disturbed by this and put them in jail. The next day, the rulers, elders, and teachers of the law brought Peter and John before them to question them. Peter, "filled with the Holy Spirit," spoke to the accusers with great ...
Why is Quiet Time with God so Important?
My husband interjected an interesting comment one day into a conversation that I was having with a friend. We were discussing morning quiet time and the importance of. He said, "God took Heidi to the point that she had to have quiet time to make it through the day." Backing away from the situation, I realized he was correct. The chaos, ...
Where Should I Have Quiet Time and Does it Matter?
Does Where You Have a Quiet Time Really Matter? ...
When to Have Quiet Time, Part 2
Do I Really Have to Get Up Early? ...