credit What is your goal? I mean, what - if you did it - would give you a bull's eye. You'd be right where you want to be. Eat better? Exercise more? Yell less? Be more intentional? Some days, my goal is to make it to bedtime without losing all sense of dignity! It dawned on me that goals aren't just for ...
Daily Time with God
I am Sick. How Sick Are You?
credit One of the RSS feeds that I receive is from Three times a week I receive their blog posts in my email. Last week's devo contained a list of "Symptoms of Spiritual Sickness" and ideas to combat the illnesses. Here are the ten sicknesses: 1. A feeling of coldness or hardness towards the things of ...
Need a Prayer Guide?
credit I found this page in a folder of Women's Ministry tools that I have collected over the years. I thought I would share it as a basis guide to help you during your quiet time. The guide is based upon the A.C.T.S. prayer model: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. This is similar to the D.R.A.W. Deeper ...
How To Handle Interruptions
How many times has this happened? You fill the sink full of hot soapy water and dirty dishes. You get four dishes cleaned, rinsed, and placed in the drainer only to hear, "MOOOOMMMMM!" You leave to take care of the issue. After multiple interruptions you remember the original task at hand - the dishes. Entering the kitchen you drain the cold, ...
How to Pray for Your Husband
As a child, I remember saying, "Why do boys have it so easy?". So many "things" they don't have to deal with. But as I have been married, I have seen the pressure, emotions, and responsibility that is unique to men. As the head of the home, men have a lot riding on their shoulders. I found this list of ...
How I am Trying to Convince God to Be My Friend
credit In quiet time, God has been pointing out two huge areas of sin in my life. The two areas that are holding me back from being fully used by God. In a blog post entitled "I Don't Love Well," I shared how I struggle to "love my enemies." Can I tell you how often in the past few weeks God has provided me ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: It All Begins with Me Part 2
credit Life was getting too hard. Yesterday, Tammy shared with us how she realized there was something missing in her life (click to read). What she needed most in her life, she had pushed aside for "living" her life. But her story doesn't end there. Read how Tammy found peace in each day. It was ...
What’s on Your Notecard?
credit Last week I shared one of two areas where God is asking me to let Him perform heart surgery. The post was raw and ugly but I pray that it encouraged you to take a look at some dark crevices in your own life. Issue number two came as a surprise to me. At first I denied it. But within a few ...
FIFTEEN Free Beth Moore Books
This opportunity is no longer available but subscribe to our blog to find out more great deals!Until January 10th, author and speaker Beth Moore has provided ten FIFTEEN of her books and studies for free. If you have the had the privilege of going through one of her studies, you know what a huge blessing this opportunity is. If you haven't I ...
A Challenge for Change: What Will Fill Your Book?
credit Earlier this week, I read a quote on Pinterest that I can't get out of my mind. "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." (Author unknown) Today is day three of 2014 and already two pages of your "book" has been written. I pray that the Challenge for Change, the past blog posts, my "A Quiet ...