A few days ago a question was asked on the ABCJLM Facebook Group about the amount of media use allowed each day. Great question. It was interesting to read the range of answers... from no media use to no limits. Risk of Media Use The research is unanimous. It doesn't matter if it is educational or not...it is media. Use of and watching media ...
What Gospel Parenting Looks Like {Giveaway}
Between personal readings and reviews, I have read a plethora of parenting books. So many that I rarely read new publications. Yet one grabbed my attention. And I am very thankful that I agreed to review it. Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family is the newest release by author and speaker Paul Tripp. Unlike ...
How to Change a Child’s Heart
It has been a very difficult three months with Little Man. Completely absorbed in himself, he battles lies, lacks self-control, and struggles with defiance. He wants what he wants and no consequence is going to cause him to think twice. Every time Little Man bows up, my demeanor falls as I know it will be yet another battle that I have to win. ...
Parenting Help for You: New Love and Logic Resources
When I was a teenager, my life changed. Suddenly discipline changed. The change occurred because my mom attended a Love and Logic conference and she learned the magic of giving choices and removing anger from parenting. I guess you could say that I am a Love and Logic child. Because it was modeled to me, much of it became ...
How to Handle Hurtful Comments from Your Children
I remember the first time that one of my children shouted at me, "I hate you!" Like a knife, I felt the blow right to the heart. How could this child say such a thing? I must be doing something wrong! Panic. Fear. Currently our Sweet Pea (age 9) is throwing out the statement, "You don't like me...that's why you ____." She gets mad and ...
Understanding What God Has Called Parents to Do {Parenting “V” Printables}
UPDATE: This information has been completely updated for simplicity and clarity. I invite you to learn more on the Biblical Parenting Video Series. I'll be honest, many of the sermons and talks that I hear go in...and then they get lost. It doesn't mean that the information shared wasn't meaningful. It just didn't stick. And, I am sure I am ...
How To Pull Application from the Bible
Pin It How do you bridge the gap between Bible stories and applying biblical principles in preschool-aged children? How does a Bible story transfer to immediate obedience? This two-fold question was asked on our SISTERS Facebook Group a while back. Such great questions and ones that all parents struggle with. How do we make the Bible real ...
How to Stop Tantrums
image source Lately there has been a common theme of questions on the ABCJLM Facebook group, all centered around the topic of discipline. Specifically, asking for help with children who throw fits and demand their way. But there are often fears associated with these questions. 1. Won't discipline hurt my child's ...
Creating a {Do Not} Worry Book for Children and Adults
The outward appearances are different but the internal feelings are the same. Fear. Anxiety. Worry. For Bubs, it manifests itself in him tensing his body and opening his eyes very wide. In Peanut and my niece, their fingers go to the mouth. For me, worry results in tense muscles and a pounding headache. All signs of worry about a present ...
How to Give Your Children a Missionary Heart
We travel in a 10 mile radius circle every single day. Every once in a while we venture out for a vacation and holiday before we quickly jump back into the safety of our little circle. But I want more for my kids. I want them to understand that there is a great big world out there filled with over 7 billion people. Seven billion ...