After several months of reflection, soul searching, seeking wisdom, and praying, I have finally come to the root of the problem. But before I share what I learned, let me give some background. Preparation We were married for six years before Bubs was born. In my mind, we had done everything we needed to be a happy family. The six ...
God’s Agent or Supermom?
photo credit Two words from our online book study continue to ping through my head. God's agent. Author Tedd Tripp of Shepherding a Child's Heart says: As a parent, you have authority because God calls you to be an authority in your child's life. ... You act at his command. ... You may not try to shape the lives of your children as ...
Let Go, Let God Image
I saw a pin on Pinterest that immediately spoke to my heart. I don't know who to give credit to other than a Surprisepix but it was so simple and just what I needed. As I have been reading chapter 5 and 6 of Shepherding a Child's Heart with our online book study group, it is becoming more and more clear that I can provide for my kids all the ...
Stop the Car! Lessons Learned on the Road
This is another repost from a few years ago (2009) but an example of grasping the moment and shepherding the heart.Yesterday on the way home from Occupational Therapy, Bubs and Sweet Pea got into a "no" war. One yells "no" and the other one answers back with a louder "no." Great fun for them but not so much for anyone who has to listen to it. ...
Everything You Must Do Before Your Child Turns 5
credit When Peanut was born, my aunt gave me a book called A Mother's Heart: A Look at Values, Vision, and Character for the Christian Mother. She considered it a book that had a huge impact on her as a mother. And as the mother of four boys and a precious princess, she would know what a mother needs! In the chapter "A Call to ...
The List of Rules in Our Home
source I found this post from last year and thought that I would repost it because of its connection to our online book study of Tedd Tripp's book Shepherding a Child's Heart. I have found the Fruit of the Spirit to be a wonderful place to begin working on the "why's" of disobedience. One of the questions that I get asked a lot is: What ...
Book Study: Ready, Set, Go!
Today is the big day! First day of our online book study of Tedd Tripp's book Shepherding a Child's Heart. I am super excited to see what God teaches each of us. If you missed yesterday's post, today will begin a discussion of the Preface and Introduction. Click over to the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group to join in!But, ...
Book Study: Ready, Set….
Last week I invited you to an online book study of Tedd Tripp's book Shepherding a Child's Heart. So many of your shared your excitement to join. As a precursor, on Monday, I shared ideas to help you prepare your heart for the study. I hope that you have found the time to do each of them. Today I want to share ...
Book Study: Ready…
I am thrilled to see the growing list of mommas who desire to join the ABC Jesus Loves Me Book Study of Tedd Tripp's Shepherding a Child's Heart. So much so that I have lost count! The countdown for the start day is just three days away - Thursday, May 1st. So what do you do until then? 1) Make sure you have a copy of the book Shepherding a ...
Join Our Book Study: Shepherding a Child’s Heart
The Tedd Tripp book was suggested in a comment in our ABC Jesus Loves Me Group. I wasn't surprised because it has been shared several times by our group members. Actually the premise of the book Shepherding a Child's Heart is the reason why the 4 Year ABCJLM Preschool Curriculum focuses on character education. Digging deep to ...