When I started this blog, I never dreamed that I would have the opportunity to review great products. While I take this responsibility very seriously, I love working with companies to make you aware of items available. I have learned about amazing authors, toys, and products that I didn't know even exsisted. Hopely you ...
Drive Through Conflict Resolution
A few days again Sweet Pea and Bubs were going at each other. Neither one were listen to the other. Watching this war, my mind jumped forward twenty years. I saw each of my kiddos with his/her spouse. Frankly - it frightened me. How I "disagree" with my husband... Oh, who am I kidding... How I argue with my ...
Warning: Stop Talking In Front of Your Children
Do you remember my post "I Talk Too Much"? Well, this is an extension of that. I talk too much in front of my children! Actually, I really do try to be careful about this. But sometimes, I fail. You know what else? I bet you do too! You invite a group of people over for supper. Your child is acting ...
Sin Takes, Never Gives
In October I wrote a blog about sin. I passed along s statement that the Holy Spirit said to me, "Sin is not cute." I have thought about that statement several times as I watch my children. Today, I learned a new statement about sin. This one came from Beth Moore in her teaching video for Living Beyond Yourself. ...
Toy Causing Disobedience
Little Man struggles to come immediately when called. He also doesn't like to have his playtime disrupted. Taking time to go potty is one of those things that royally frustrates him. So, when he is called to come and go potty while he is playing - look out. While reading Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood: Practical ...
Holes in My Discipline
Last Tuesday, I asked the questions: Is there something that I am doing to encourage his bad choices? Are there holes in the boundaries that I have set up? I continue to seek answers because I believe that children can only behave as well as the boundaries that surround them. And boundaries look different for every child. My ...
Display That Taken Away
After reading Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood: Practical Parenting from Birth to Six Years, the first thing that I did was clean a shelf in our toy closet to display those things taken away. Boy do we have a collection! Let me back up and tell you what I learned. First of all, before reading this book, toy clean up time was ...
Love and Logic Discipline
When I was a teenager, my life changed. Suddenly discipline changed. The change happened because my mom changed. She attended a Love and Logic conference. She learned the magic of giving choices. I guess you could say that I am a "product" of Love and Logic. Because it was modeled to me, much of it has become ...
I Talk Too Much
I got an email from my mom the other day that said, "You talk too much." You know what? She is right! Let's back up... As I have written, Little Man has caused me to seek wisdom from some of the best disciplinarians in the world. For me, that is family members. I am surrounded by adults who know how to love, lead, and discipline children ...
Keeping Shoes and Socks on in the Car
As I type, Little Man is buckled up in his car seat in the garage. He thought it was really cool to take off his shoes and socks (which he knows not to do). While that is a lot of fun, it makes life much harder for Mommy. With the temperatures bordering frigid, I have no desire to stand outside to put his shoes ...