Little Man struggles to get into his car seat. Oh, it's not because he can't. It is because he gets distracted from all of the buttons, gadgets, insects, items on the floor - basically, you name it - on the way to his seat. (Remember my posts about Spirited Children?") So a few mornings ago, we practiced getting in and ...
A Parenting Problem or a Child Problem
During one of my last sleepless, prego nights, an aha moment came to me. Is this current problem a parenting problem or a child problem? My question stemmed from a couple of issues that we are facing at our home. Some of them deal with all of our children while others are child specific. During my time of ...
Just Bandaid It…
While talking to another mom about our spirited Little Man, I gained some very wise advice. Upon the birth of her oldest son, my friend asked her grandma for a piece of wisdom on raising kids. Her grandma told her: You can either bandaid the problem or fix the problem. When life as a mommy kicked in, my friend ...
A New Set of Challenges
Little Man is a challenge. At two, he could drive me to need professional help. Honestly, the problem is that he is too smart. He has the vocabulary and understanding of a child twice his age. But the impulse control of a 15 month old. No lie. In Colossians 3:21 it says: Fathers, do not exasperate your ...
Age- Appropriate Chores
Chores are a very important part of child-rearing. They teach work-ethic and responsibility. Focus on the Family has a list of age-appropriate chores in a new set of articles called "Motivating Kids to Clean Up." 1.Overview 2.Age-Appropriate Chores 3.Trade Chores With Your Kids 4.Inspire Your Kids to Do Chores 5.My Child Won't Do His ...
A Chore for a Chore
Let's face it. We all get lazy sometimes. We all have selective hearing sometimes. Right now our kiddos are struggling with both. My solution - an additional chore. Here are some examples: - For some reason Bubs has started leaving his pajamas on the floor of the bathroom instead of placing ...
Helping Your Child Develop Socially
Last month, I wrote a blog about the importance of training your child. I explained that some kids learn strictly by example while others must have specific training to help them succeed. There are three specific areas of social training that we have done with Bubs. I have added these to the ABCJLM website: Pragmatics (language) and Teaching ...
Bible Verse: I Cor 16:13-14
I just finished reading 1 Corinthians in my quiet time. This was my key verse for Chapter 16. I Cor. 16:13-14 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love. I know that this verse has other meanings but for right now the verse spoke to me ...
Chores Help Prepare Kids for Adult Life
My friend at Storytime and More blogged about this article - Chores Help Prepare Kids for Adult Life. I thought the suggestions and tips were great. Here's a little teaser: Your three-year-old is not too young to match the socks in the family laundry basket; your five-year-old can make his bed by pulling up the comforter. Your ...
Train, Train, Train Again
Over the past few months, I have had several conversations with a dear friend of mine who has been struggling in the raising of her son. Her girls are obedient but with the normal challenges. He is one of those spirited-blessings that wears out the strongest of moms. One word kept coming up in our conversations - ...