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Sin Takes, Never Gives
In October I wrote a blog about sin. I passed along s statement that the Holy Spirit said to me, "Sin is not cute." I have thought about that statement several times as I watch my children. Today, I learned a new statement about sin. This one came from Beth Moore in her teaching video for Living Beyond Yourself. ...
4-H – So Much More than Sheep, Cows, and Farmers 4-H
Yesterday I introduced you to 4-H. For some of you it is a reintroduction. Others, it was a reconfiguring of the truth vs. misconception. Here's a review: 1. You do not have to live on a farm to be part of 4-H. You child does not have to get a large animal to be part of 4-H. 2. Don't judge 4-H by the ...
4-H – So Much More than Sheep, Cows, and Farmers
Everyone has an organization that they want their children to join when they reach the age. Brownies, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Little League, Dance, Gymnastics, AWANA's...The list goes on. For me, it is 4-H. I have wanted our children to be a part of a club before they were born. Now that Bubs is officially a member, I see the benefits even ...
Review & Giveaway: Paws and Tales
God Cares for You: Bible Wisdom for Kids #1 is the newest of the Paws and Tales video series. Paws and Tales is a ministry of Chuck Swindoll's Insight for Living to "help parents teach biblical theology to their kids through memorable, meaningful stories and music." You may recognize Paws and Tales from its radio ...
Free Sample of Keys for Kids
Keys for Kids is a wonderful devotion available for elementary aged children. Right now, you can get a FREE SAMPLE of this devotional. Here is a little about the ministry how publishes Keys for Kids: CBH Ministries, formerly Children's Bible Hour, is a media ministry targeting kids ages six to twelve with Bible-based materials. ...
Giveaway Winner
And the winner is... LisaThank you to everyone who entered their name on the blog and Facebook to win the Five Little Bunnies Book and Cd. Lisa, please contact me before Tuesday at midnight with your address so that you can receive your new book! ...
Review: In Harmony
In mid-December, I introduced you to the wonderful DVD, Kibbles Rockin' Clubhouse Vol. 1 Expressing Yourself. This still is a favorite of our children and I often find myself singing the songs. I love hearing Little Man use "feelings" words to let me know what he is feeling at the moment. In Harmony Integrated Learning ...
Review: A Warrior Prince for God
A Warrior Prince for God Do you ever have those times that you read a book and you can't wait to tell your best friends about because you know they will love it too! This is that time. If you have boys or know any boys, A Warrior Prince for God is a book you must get. Period. The story begins with a baseball game. Luke strikes out ...
Valentines Mailbox
This was supposed to post before Valentine's Day but accidentally didn't get published. Sorry! For next year! Bubs wanted to make a Valentine's Mailbox for his school party. I went online and found the directions for one. Unfortunately, I only used one piece of their instructions. More disappointing, I didn't take ...