Today is the last day to put your name to win This Little Prayer of Mine. Read all about it here. ...
Explaining the Trinity to Children: Veggie Tales
There are things in the Bible that I can't wrap my brain around. The Trinity is one of them. The understanding that God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - Three in One. This is the last post in this blog series. This little Veggie Tales Video is the story of St. Patrick. It also discusses the Trinity. ...
As Easy As Riding a Bike…Unless You Have SPD
Last summer we decided it was time for Bubs to lose the training wheels. We were hit with strong resistance. So we do what all good parents do...we took the bike to therapy. Ms. W was more than happy to help. Bubs wasn't the first kid that she has worked with this on. He didn't give her the resistance and it also helped that "Ms. W said we were to ...
Giveaway: This Little Prayer of Mine
Did you read the review yesterday of This Little Prayer of Mine? Today, I am very excited to be able to give away a FREE copy of the this book. How to win: Leave a comment telling us how you are teaching your child to pray. Want to increase your chances of winning? •Grab one of our buttons and post it to your site. ...
Explaining the Trinity to Children: Song
There are things in the Bible that I can't wrap my brain around. The Trinity is one of them. The understanding that God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - Three in One. In the next few blogs, I am going to be sharing some ideas that I learned as a child. Although St. Patrick's Day is a great day to focus on Trinity, you can ...
Letter Posters & Letter Art
One of the great ways for preschoolers to learn their letters and phonetic sounds is by doing Letter Art. Each weekly Lesson Plan at ABCJLM includes a link to Letter of the Week ideas as well as Letter Posters. Two weeks ago, W was Letter of the Week. After printing off the Letter W Poster, I sat down with the kids ...
Review: This Little Prayer of Mine
This Little Prayer of Mine is the latest in my review list. A short 40-page hardcover book for babies to preschool age children. The author - Anthony DeStefano - wants to teach children how to pray. And...he succeeds. With engaging rhymes and beautiful illustrations, This Little Prayer of Mine assures children that God is ...
Book of the Week Change
My kiddos did a series of activities around the book Silly Sally at Mother's Day out at church. They haven't stopped talking about it. I decided that this book needed to be part of the 3 Year Curriculum - Book of the Week. Since it contains great /s/ words, I added it to Week 26 and moved Blueberries for Sal to week 31. ...
How Long can Easter Eggs and Ham Sit Out?
Ever wondered how to keep hardboiled eggs safe? How about an Easter ham? I found this article very helpful and thought you might as well. On The Extension Line by Jennifer With Easter just around the corner, it’s time to remember safety when dealing with ham and eggs. Dying eggs has been a tradition for many years, but it’s ...
Direction, Hints, and Discussion Ideas for Resurrection Rolls
For the past week, we have been trying to figure out the perfect Resurrection Rolls recipe. We have failed with some but I think we have discovered the easiest and best recipe. This recipe can be done almost exclusively by a preschooler (minus the oven part). Make this recipe an Easter morning breakfast tradition. Ingredients: Crescent ...