How many of you have memories of sitting at the table hours after a meal finished because you didn't eat everything or refused to try a morsel of broccoli, brussel sprouts, or beets? I do. And if you asked many in my generation why we were told to eat the particular item, we would have said something like, "Because my parents told me to." ...
Creating a Thanksgiving Chain of Blessing
Last year we created a "Chain of Praise" during the month of Thanksgiving. During supper each evening, everyone shared one item of thanks and wrote them on a strip of paper. Then on Thanksgiving, we read through the entire list before eating. This year, I wanted to do another chain but I knew that with the kids being a little ...
A Plethora of Thanksgiving Ideas
Last year I shared a plethora of Thanksgiving traditions. The response was huge because these ideas were different from the typical ideas. These are ideas that move beyond a craft to helping you leave a legacy with your children. Instead of simply reposting all of these ideas, here are the links. Click to find out ...
What to Do with All This Candy!
After Halloween, there is a big question floating in the air. "What are we going to do with all of this candy?" Other than rotting teeth, adding width to the waist, and giving all children a sugar high, nothing good can come from all this sugar. Or can it? Here are a few character education ideas: Tithe it Create a ...
Keeping it Between the Ditches
Reading the title of the book, Great Parents, Lousy Lovers by Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham (read my review) made me think of some other phrases. Can you relate to any of these... * Great Mommy, Lousy Wife -or- Lousy Mommy, Great Wife * Lousy Mommy, Great Housekeeper and Cook -or- Great Mommy, Lousy Housekeeper and Cook * Great Mommy, Lousy ...
A Book with Character Education…and a Circus…and a Giveaway
Don't you love when other adults, movies, and books come along side you as a parent and reinforce what you are impressing upon your children? Even though parents are responsible for laying a foundation, when something or someone else says the same truths, leverage is brought to what you are teaching. The brand new ...
Seven Major Blindspots of Homeschooling and Parenting
source Have you seen the newest article to go viral on Facebook? Which one, right? The article written by Reb Bradley sharing the seven major blindspots of homeschooling. Most of you know that we don't homeschool - for several reasons - but I was intrigued to read it since my cousin (who also doesn't homeschool) shared it. I am so glad ...
Teaching a Child Emotions Through Story Characters
source Didn't you love Alicia's analogy of the onion yesterday? It restated the importance of going deeper into the classic and Bible stories we read to our children. As stated on Tuesday, stories are an excellent way to teach children about emotions and pragmatics. Homeschool On a Dime suggested using the ...
How Deep Are You Taking a Book?
source This week we have been discussing the importance of helping the child dig deeper into a story. I think we all realize the importance of reading. And, most realize that while reading the same book over and over again may be daunting for the adult, it is excellent for a young mind. But, I will have to admit that up until ...
How to Go Beyond the Story When Reading a Book
source A few days ago, I was reading the story Green Eggs and Ham to Little Man. It is a childhood book that is referenced in movies, sitcoms, jokes, and general conversation because of its classic story line. Many can quote pieces from this book. Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them, Sam-I-am. And because of the popularity ...