credit On Wednesday, I explained my desire to come around those who are raising children with disabilities as well as train others how to love on these families. Today is the first post in this series. If you have read many posts on this blog, you have seen the term "Sensory Processing" several times. But, what exactly is it? What does ...
When we dreamed about a family, my husband and I never imagined the challenges that we would face. It wasn't in our plans to have children with diagnoses and disabilities. But, none of this was a surprise to God. He knew that our children would need us; and we would need them.
This blog was started to encourage and help families, especially those with challenging children. While reading these posts, I pray that you will find ideas to implement in your home. Secondly, I pray that you will find hope and encouragement knowing that you are not alone. Finally, we pray that God will use Our Story to encourage you.
How I am Returning to My Vision for You
credit Her text cried tears of frustration, struggles, and worry. Her son was out of control and she didn't know where to turn or what to do. Suddenly she found herself in a club she didn't have any desire to belong to. My heart broke for this dear friend. I understood. I have felt each emotion in my own ...
How My Expectations Nearly Ruined My Family
After several months of reflection, soul searching, seeking wisdom, and praying, I have finally come to the root of the problem. But before I share what I learned, let me give some background. Preparation We were married for six years before Bubs was born. In my mind, we had done everything we needed to be a happy family. The six ...
Parenting 101 – Tip #1
credit Parenting is rough. Period! I have yet to find someone who disagrees with this statement. Even those with "angel" children find themselves on their knees begging God for wisdom and strength. Several years ago while listening to Focus on the Family, I heard six tips that I thought were too good not to pass along. ...
How to Handle a Never Ending Meltdown
credit I found this post from January 2009. It was a good reminder of how far God has brought us. Bubs was just 5 1/2 years old at the time of this writing. Let me give you a glimpse into an afternoon in our life. Today at approximately 1:00 p.m., I gave Bubs a job to do. The entire job was something he does frequently and is age ...
Widsom Learned from Raising Little Man: Getting a Diagnosis
credit Although training Little Man immediate obedience seems like a huge feat, it is one - uno - one step toward finishing the parenting marathon. But after feeling drug backward for so long, I celebrated like no one else. I emailed and called several people because for once I felt encouragement with our third ...
Wisdom Learned From Raising Little Man: Training a Child to Report
Using the techniques of "Come to Mommy" and "Lock it Up" helped Little Man gain attention and immediate obedience. Once these two became habit, I realized that follow up was the next area we needed to focus on. Once again I gleaned an idea from Tae Kwon Do. Step #3 - Report (Accountability) To begin each session of Tae Kwon Do, the ...
Wisdom Learned from Raising Little Man: Teaching a Child First-Time Obedience
To being our new series "Impressing Jesus on Them," I am sharing wisdom learned from raising our third child. Little Man. Those two words bring up so much emotion. A little boy whose notorious stories and amazing conversations skills cause people to flock to him. A child who within seconds can take me from the highest of joy to ...
What To Do If You Suspect Your Child Has a Speech, Lanuage, or Communication Delay
source This is a guest post from Dina. Communication. It is a HUGE part of who we are as people. So, when you’re a parent and you live with one or more little people who are learning to communicate, it can be an amazing and fun process to watch develop over time. But what about communication struggles? Before I became a mom I worked for six ...
Questions You Must Ask Your Child Before He or She Opens a Present
source My kids love to open presents. I cringe at the thought. Sounds crazy that I wouldn't love the experience just as much but in reality I fear the gift-opening time. What shocking statements will my children make upon seeing the objects that have been gifted to them. Especially Bubs and Little Man with all there "struggles." ...